Http Client PUT Example | Http Client in Java11 | Http Client SpringBoot | Http Client Kbtutorials

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Http Client is added in Java 11. HttpClient supports both HTTP 1.1 and HTTP 2 protocols.
Http client supports synchronous communication and asynchronous communication.
HttpClient has 3 important components
1)Http Request
2)Http Client
3)Http Response
HttpRequest : As part of HttpRequest in httpclient we can build request objects like URI ,GET,POST,PUT and DELETE operations.
we can set headers in http request in httpclient module.
we can set proxy,redirect and authentication as well.
HttpClient uses ComuputableFeature to perform asynchronous communication.
HttpClient supports Java version more than 8 only. It depends on builder design patterns.
In this playlist on HttpClient in Java11 with SpringBoot we will consume rest api using springboot.
HttpClient with GET example in springboot
HttpClient with POST with JSON body example in springboot
Http client with PUT example in springboot
Delete Operation with Httpclient in springboot discussed.
We also implented POST with no body in httpclient with springboot.
Post with text body in httpclient with springboot discussed.
similarlt httpclient with input file array been discussed.
Finally we have learnt how to use sendAsync in httpclient with springboot discussed.
also sendAsync with fixed thread pool also been implemented.
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