'Something Is Very Wrong Here' Gut Feelings That Saved Your Life (Part 2)

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When did your feeling about "Something is very wrong here." turned out to be true?

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The day my Dad died, I was on the phone with him, and I had an odd feeling. I told him that I forgave him for all of the bad stuff he had done to us over the years. That evening, my paternal grandma's next door neighbor called to tell me that he had committed suicide. Less than two weeks later, I was on the phone with my Mom and after we got off the phone, I laid awake for hours with an uneasy feeling. The next day, my husband and I went to visit her, and we were doing a little work in her front yard for her. We left to go to my in-laws house and I told him to go back. Turned out that she swallowed 4 bottles of pills with wine, and died the day after we found her. I was the last person to talk to both of them. Still haunts me 5 years later. There's nothing I could have said or done, but still.


I really feel for the person and their family who lost like 13 people in ONE YEAR??!! Even the "unknown internet person" who lost 5!!! My goodness that is really awful. I'm so sorry those things happened to you both.
My family had 3 people pass away in one year, but NO WHERE NEAR what these people have gone through. I hope everyone is safe, healthy and happy. If it was recent, any of it, I hope the pandemic isn't making things any worse.
Just know someone is truly thinking of all of you... really.


"13 deaths in the family in 11 months".

I was in a bad way when I lost two relatives a month apart. I cannot imagine the disconnection from reality losing 13 in 11 months could bring.


I remember when my family had 9 deaths in one year, split into three of deaths at a time. It was such a bad year and ending with my Grandma (who raised me) dying and being buried a day before my birthday. I went to work the next day and had to pretend to be happy during the office birthday party, as I had been keeping the deaths in my family private save for my manager who was not told of the surprise. I was happy to have some people who cared about me around me that day though so it wasn't so bad I guess.


This is probably going to sound so pessimistic, or maybe twisted, but I know something bad has happened the moment I get the “this might be one of the best days of my life” feeling. And as someone who has suffered from depression since I was young, I don’t get this feeling too often.

I’ve gotten this feeling before: my high school friend being killed by a speeding car, my cat going missing, family friends deaths, and both my parents losing their jobs on the same day.

It’s like I’m not allowed to be happy or something bad will happen. I get so paranoid now when I’m having a good day.


I have a similar story to the cousin hanging themselves. One night, one of my best friends (E) and I were supposed to go to our EMT class. We started talking and realised that we both had a feeling we should check on friends. We chose ones we haven't seen in a while. We hung out with them for a couple hours. Webgot some booze to get drunk with them because that was what we did with our friends back then. We alread6 had that weird "check in your friends" feeling, but it was the drinking when I really started to feel like something bad was happening. I drank 15 shots of vodka and did not get drunk in the slightest. I went to bed 3-4 hours later wondering what the fuck was going on. I was completely sober when Inwent to bed and reallybfreaked out.

The next morning, I woke up feeling like I had drank 15 shots of water but still felt like something was off. There was a knock at the door, and that's when E's little brother comes in crying and tells us that one of my other best friends was dead. About the time that I was drinking 15 shots of vodka and not getting drunk, she and a few other people were driving and got in a car accident.

We didn't think to check on friends we'd seen recently....

The last thing she said to me theblast time I saw her was "I love you, Dom" and I was so immature I didn't know or think I could say it back without it being a romantic thing.


This wasn’t a gut feeling but it was something that saved my life. When I was younger my family got tickets to the 2013 Boston Marathon. We were supposed to be located right near where some of the bombs went off. We had been to a wedding the night before, and were too tired to go to the marathon. I was around 8-9 at the time and I remember my parents finding out about it later that day. Not much really bothers me but writing this out right now makes me feel nauseous about that day.


I know someone who was going to a meeting in the twin cities but had a super strong feeling of dread. They decided to ask if they could just phone in and got to stay home. About 10 minutes after the meeting ended, a bridge collapsed during the time they would of been driving over it.


I remember working at a preschool and having a very notorious group of kids in my batch. All in the terrible twos age category. I was not doing well that year and would constantly get complaints from fussy parents about missing socks, books, unchanged diapers, so on and so forth. That really brought me and my work under a lot of scrutiny though it was the schools fault for not providing me with adequate amount of help and we were way over the class student to teacher ratio which was 1 teacher: 10 students. I had 20 kids.
So one day I just had a very weird feeling. I was not able to put a finger on it but I was just not willing to go into work that day. So I took a sick day.
Turns out that day the assistant teacher who was filling in for me made all the kids sit in the first floor classroom after the assembly was over. However she didn't count all the kids. Two of the most notorious kids ran upto a classroom on the 3rd floor, were running around all over the place. When one of the support staff noticed this, they tried to open the glass door and the entire glass door broke off its hinges and shattered. Thankfully the kids were in another corner of the classroom and weren't hurt by the door. And mind you, I had complained downstairs in the office that something had happened to my classroom glass door and it needed to be repaired asap but the centre head did nothing about it. I complained several times that there was something wrong but they never fixed it.
I know if I was in school that day, I'd have probably lost my job though clearly it was the school's negligence that they didn't fix the door. The whole blame would have come on me that I didn't count all the kids who were present that day


I have two stories.
I was on my way home from a party with some former hig school classmates. The time was a little past midnight. I had ridden the train with one of my classmates to a station, where we needed to part ways. I went to ride the train that would take me home. I went to sit in the back, because that would be closer to the exit at the station I would get off on, but suddenly I got this strange feeling that I really should find another cart to sit in. I brushed it off, and then this black guy comes and sits beside me. I don't know if he was high or drunk, or maybe both. I normally don't mind people sitting next to me, but when he struck up a conversation and offered me a drink of whatever he had, I felt bad. He continued to put his hand on my thigh and offering me to go home with him. I pushed his hand away every time and told him I didn't want to go home with him. I'm not that kind of girl to begin with. Now, I could have told him off more clearly, but I was afraid that he'd call me racist if I did. It took another guy in the same cart calling him out and forcing him to get away from me twice before he left me alone for good. The worst part of it was that he had asked me where I were to get off the train and declared it was the same stop as him. I called home and asked if they could take the dog and come walk me home from the station. However, the dog had just been out on a walk, so they couldn't. Luckily, the guy didn't get off at my stop, and I could walk home safely. The strange thing was, that while my mom had been out walking the dog, she had also had a bad feeling. Coincidentally, that was the same time as I was riding the train with that man.


My grandpa went into have surgery to remove a spot in his lungs that a really rare cancer. He was in the ICU for the next week, and my grandma spent all the spare time she could to be beside him.
I was spending the night at their house, and my grandma came in, got her keys, and when I asked what was going on she said something is going on with grandpa, before she left.
I had this horrible feeling and I just knew he wouldn’t come back home. I remember walking to the bedroom as soon as she left and then just breaking down, crying, praying, by the bed. I tried to stay up to wait for her to come back but I fell asleep after a while.
The next morning was horrible. It was Sunday, and no one woke me up (like my brother usually has to do, ) to get ready for church. So I just got out of bed, went to the living room, and I saw my mom and grandma sitting on the couch together, and just the look and breath they had to take when they saw I woke up.
I love you so much grandpa, I miss you and all the long drives, ice cream runs, trips, and stories I got take with you. You’re the best, and I can’t wait to see you again some day. ❤️❤️❤️


that last one
idk, but to me, it does say quite a bit about how some parents see children when they brush off whatever concerns the child has about something/someone


General message to anyone who clicks on this post - I highly recommend you obtain a book written by Gavin De Becker titled "The Gift of Fear". Mr. De Becker is a world-class security consultant who has worked with high end clients to provide protection services and has even worked with the FBI regarding the psychological profiles of threats to his clients. The main point of this book is that all humans have an instinctive ability to recognize threats, but too often when we "feel something is wrong", we allow our rational "intellectual" self to convince us we are being paranoid or silly. Nine times out of ten something bad usually happens. During the course of my life I have purchased over a dozen copies of this book and given it to girlfriends, co-workers, neighbors and friends, and EVERY SINGLE ONE of them has gotten back to me thanking me for it. My point? If your gut tells you something is wrong - step back.


The one I think of first was back in 2011, I was just about to turn 12, and I woke up really early for school (I had to be at the bus stop by 6:30am if I wanted to catch the bus). As soon as I got out of bed I had a pain in my chest, not extreme, but a sharp throbbing pain in my lungs. Having a history of respiratory problems that came and went on their own, I just sucked it up and went on for my usual day of 6th grade. The pain stayed with me up until around lunch time (~1pm, and relavant), and after it went I developed a really bad headache, but again dealt with it for my last period. About 20 minutes before my class ends and I take my usual bus route home, I get called on the PA for an early check out. I get to the office, see both of my parents and my sister standing there. No one said a word, and I thought it was odd everyone was together, much less to pick me up from school on a random day. The ride home is completely silent and I'm scared I did something wrong, or something bad had happened at the house. We get home, and everyone but me sits on the couch, heads hung low. My mom was the first to speak, which considering what she was about to say, I was surprised dad was able to keep himself together all the way until this point. She looks up at me, and says "your grandfather passed away this afternoon. He had a stroke in his sleep and his nurse declared him dead at 1:30pm." Sometimes I feel like grandpa was trying to reach out to me. I never saw his wife or my uncles/aunts on that side ever again. They sold his house, his belongings, and packed up and moved several states away in four days. I never got to say goodbye, but that feeling to me is the closest I'll ever get. I loved that man so much. There's a part of me convinced that my weird feeling was directly tied to his death, and a more foolish portion that believes if I could have somehow taken more of it, I'd still be building cars with him today (albeit rolls reversed due to a probably fragile body by this point). I know it's illogical and probably some weird coincidence, but I would have given that man every organ in my body, and I feel he would have done the same for any of my relatives. It's fucked up they took his belongings and ran.


My mother had a good story. One morning my mother looked through the window and saw a man sitting on a bench. My mother got a strange feeling when she saw the man. He kept an eye on everything. My mother has to go to work and decided to leave the house through the back door (we live in a terraced house in the Netherlands). A while later the house of our neighbors in the back was robbed. Fortunately they were not at home.


A good friend of mine and I were going to explore a home in our town which had been boarded up for several years. We pulled up to it, and my friend had a sudden cold feeling, and turned to me and said we needed to get the hell out of there, and fast. Now, her gut feelings have never wronged her before, so I took the hint and we, well, got the hell out of there. It was a damn good thing too, because apparently squatters had been living in the old house and were growing pot out of it (we had no idea) and as we got to the bottom of the hill, about to turn onto the Highway, the house burst into flames. Between the time I shoved the car in reverse and floored it and when we got to the stop sign at the bottom of the hill was about a minute. I estimate that if we’d stayed and continued our search, that by the time I’d turned off the car, got out of the car, walked around the car to open the door for my friend, and got up to the front steps of the house, it would’ve exploded as we were standing on its porch, and we’d have probably died. I’ve listened to my (and her) gut ever since.


5:45 That was NOT a "Something Is Very Wrong Here" Gut Feeling. . That was a "I can see some guys coming from the other side of the street to rob me" feeling. .


1)So I was talking to someone who works at my college. He was a very nice guy and wanted to hang out with me. We got along quite well

Until we started to text. He didn’t say anything bad. We were just talking about things. But I had a bad feeling when he wanted to go on snap chat because snap chat deletes messages and an even worse feeling when he asked me personal questions.

So I stopped talking to him. I don’t see him around much anymore and I don’t know if my gut feeling did anything or if I’m being paranoid because I’ve had a bad feeling when things turned out fine before.

2) at the start of Covid when it wasn’t bad and travel was still ok, my family was gonna go to Maine. I had a bad feeling and didn’t want to go mostly due to Covid. I didn’t say anything though because I was kind of scared to speak out on things.

Then some problems happened with the person not getting our checks and we didn’t go.

Later my family finds out on the news there was a shark attack across from the place we were gonna go to.


My biggest gut feeling was September 21st 2021. I was up getting ready for school and i get a call around 630 from my grandma saying that my aunt heard my nanas address over the police scanner and a mans name who was renting a room from her and an overdose. Everyone thought it was the man whos name went over the scanner but i just knew my dad was involved because he was from what we thought just getting clean from meth and him and his fiance just broke up up so he was staying there and the guy was his friend. I had a horrible feeling in my gut and was freaking out the entire time thinking what if its my dad. Then during my first period class i was called up to the office. That made me even more freaked out cause i didnt remeber haveing any appointments or anything. Eventually my mom got to the school and our recetionist lets us leave when we see our parents so i was walking out and met my mom at the door. I could tell she had been crying and i just asked "was it my dad" and she shook her head yes and we both started crying. That was the worst day of my life so far and i dont know if it was me just freaked out or my dad telling me before anyone else.


One night in 2003 my friend and his pregnant girlfriend stopped at my place. They needed to use my universal charger to plug up his woodgrain primeco phone. It was 2:30am, he had no license. I said they should both stay the night bcz the police were out heavy. 2 hours later his cousins; my neighbors showed up banging on the locked screen door. It was the heavy metal screen door and it sounded like thunder. When I opened the door and looked out the screen, I saw his cousin on her knees bawling and screaming "They're both dead and the baby". The cops did get behind them. A high speed pursuit began and the police car used an evasive maneuver that caused their car to fishtail, then hit a huge concrete light pole at 75mph and busted into flames. The police didn't even pull them from the wreckage for some time. By the time we got to the scene on Foote court about 1/2 a mile from my house, they were burnt beyond recognition. The pregnant girl's father was a judge. They tried to sue our police department but didn't get anything. I had to drive by that downed pole with smoke and burns on it for months before they fixed it.
