How Religion Affects our Mental Health (Pros and Cons)

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In this video, we explore the diverse impact of religion on mental health. Many of you have shared your experiences in the comments—some finding solace and strength in their faith, while others have felt traumatized by religious practices - also known as religious trauma. We're here to delve into both sides, discussing how religion can offer support, peace, and community, but also how it can contribute to trauma, stress, and anxiety. In this video, let's explore the pros and cons of religion from a mental health and psychological perspective, offering a balanced view to help you understand its complexities.

#religion #mentalhealth

Writer: Dylan Swanepoel
Editor & Script Manager: Kelly Soong
Voice: Gabriel Miles
Animator: Anilezah Lam
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong


Pargament, K. I. (2001). The psychology of religion and coping: Theory, research, practice. Guilford press.
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SEVİNÇ, K. (2012). Searching for happiness in the Modern World: Positive Psychology and Religion. Journal of Intercultural and Religious Studies.(2), 121-146.
Burris, C. T., & Jackson, L. M. (1999). Hate the sin/love the sinner, or love the hater? Intrinsic religion and responses to partner abuse. Journal for the scientific study of religion, 160-174.
Post, B. C., & Wade, N. G. (2009). Religion and spirituality in psychotherapy: A practice‐friendly review of research. Journal of clinical psychology, 65(2), 131-146.
Luyten, P., Corveleyn, J., & Fontaine, J. R. (1998). The relationship between religiosity and mental health: Distinguishing between shame and guilt. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 1(2), 165-184.
Jost, J. T., Hawkins, C. B., Nosek, B. A., Hennes, E. P., Stern, C., Gosling, S. D., & Graham, J. (2014). Belief in a just God (and a just society): A system justification perspective on religious ideology. Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology, 34(1), 56.
Glas, G., & Poort, Z. (2007). Anxiety, anxiety disorders, religion and spirituality. Southern medical journal, 100(6), 621-625.
Рекомендации по теме

This is actually a really sensitive topic, I really respect you for having the courage to post videos on controversial topics like this, it's not easy as you might receive a lot of hate, people like to follow religion blindly or just hate it blindly, so when you try to speak from a different perspective, it's not easy for everyone to accept it. Good work guys.


Religion is a choice, not law, you’re not required to obey it down to the last letter. You can’t use your faith to discriminate, and you can’t discriminate against people for their faith.


Religion isn't bad, using it to exclude everyone who isn't the same and force feeding it to people who don't care is bad though


Religion shouldn't be the path for discrimination


It's interesting how religion in general evolved and changed. If your religion makes You a better person, more respectful for everyone and self-awere that you are a part of the human race it's great. If your religion makes excuses for You to humiliate or killing other people, maybe you should to dig deeper, and find your own path.


In a heated argument, my dad once told me that he loved god more than he loved me and that he’d always put god before me and that’s I’d never be as much of a priority as his faith. I understand that’s his faith, but that definitely didn’t make it any less painful to hear.

That was about 3-4 years ago and I have yet to reach out to mend things, but neither has he.


My problem with religion is being forced into it when I have no interest whatsoever, and expected to somehow become apart of it when I leave. That and this mentality of "Oh our religion is the RIGHT one, everyone else's is going to hell. "


As a Catholic, my experience has been that REAL faith is entirely personal. It's something you discover for yourself, and define for yourself, rather that it being the institutional dogma that cherry-picks aspects of religion to serve political purposes. Too often, many self-identifying Christians (especially Evangelicals) lose the forest for the trees, fixating on mankind's narrow and misguided interpretation of the word of God at the expense of the broader teachings about what it takes to live the life of a good person, to the point where their brand of faith is performative, to prove they're virtuous amongst their peers without actually displaying the virtues of Jesus, such as compassion, empathy, charity, etc. Evangelicals today criticize Jesus himself for being too "woke." That's when you know they've lost the plot.

For me, I still consider myself religious despite the fact that I don't follow the dogma of the Catholic Church. Faith in God, and faith in myself, has sustained me through some very dark times. I understand others may not feel the same about religion, and that is perfectly fine. It's not my place to change anyone's mind. As I said, faith, or the lack thereof, is personal. What matters most of all is just being a good person and treating others the way you would want to be treated. It's really that simple.


As a Christian, I really don't like how some others think that different lifestyles and beliefs are wrong. As long as you don't cause harm to others, it's perfectly fine.

I'm not hardcore or anything, I just follow God and His word. I actually look at other religions with curiosity and admiration, but that doesn't mean I turn away from my own beliefs, I'm just exploring, and it's fun and informative.
Sure I may not agree with everything, but it's nothing to get worked up over. It would be like hating someone just because they like blueberries instead of raspberries.

We are supposed to love thy neighbor, but that has sadly slipped the minds of many people.

We're not supposed to know everything, and we shouldn't expect to.
We are one world after all, and it's only best that we respect and care for one another, regardless of culture, or belief.


Religion does have an us versus them mentality. Where it states that all non-believers are going to hell. So you’re either with them or against them. Although there also many useful teachings in religion as well.


My mother brought me to church for a few years, at the age of 12 I became an atheist. My mother hates it, but my dad told me he was also an atheist not long after I told them. I respect all religious people, and I do like learning about religion history as I just like history and documentaries. I just hope for a day religion stops causing hate on others beliefs


I’m going to be straightforward. I’m not a strict religious person. I don’t go to church every Sunday. However, I do believe that there is a God. I do believe in Jesus Christ. I believe in heaven. I believe in hell, and I believe in the devil. But, I’m more spiritual. I’m into meditation, music, getting out in nature, and things like that. Do I discriminate against religion? Absolutely not! I’ve met some amazing Christians, and I’ve met some amazing spiritual people! I think it’s OK to be both religious and spiritual. I don’t think you have to be one or the other. But if you choose to be one, or the other, fine! Do what you do.


1). Provides a stable philosophy for life (pro) 0:53
2). Being destructively force into that philosophy (con) 3:05
3). Used to inspire (pro) 4:15
4). Used to justify bad behaviour (con) 5:02
5). Provides answers and community (pro) 6:10
6). Religious guilt (con) 7:33

Hope this helps you out. Hope you have a nice day. Sorry this is so late. 💙💙💙💙💙💙


I have suffered from several problems in the past and this channel has always helped me. Now I am totally healed since I started following Jesus and I am happier than ever, not because of religion, but because of his infinite love and justice. Thanks for bringing this up


I am an Athiest. But i respect any religion. And any religious person who does not use their religion to discriminate against another community or religion. And if religion helps you to live life peacefully or atleast make you feel better then you have every right to do it. But please don't use your religion to discriminate against others.❤❤❤


I grew up Christian, and I have to tell you, I was conflicted. Not to say that I deny Jesus Christ, but it was the people that made me conflicted. The mentors were teaching/spewing hate due to ones sexual orientation, different religious beliefs, shacking, and holding Christianity as the only right belief to salvation. Never sat right with me, even as a kid in elementary school. I grew up as a military kid, and got exposure to many cultures, majority of them becoming dear friends, and family. The church I was a part of for over a decade, mainly by my parents choice, was more into what you could receive materially when you pray. I was more in tune with what I could receive mentally and emotionally when I pray to improve myself. I was always tapping into emotions, and how to better my feelings, and what not, and the church members including the ministers and pastor are aggressive, hostile, and very intimidating. I found out as I got older, I explored, not heavily, Buddhism, Hindu, Muslim, as well as Christian and Catholic practices like reading quotes, or practicing some form of meditations. You can always learn something from each, but I wish there weren’t labels, because it separates. I like to call it spirituality, but that might be a topic for another day. Thank you Psyche2go for a very informative video. The comments in the video are so relatable.


I was a religious person with religious beliefs and was very hopeful to share them with others. But one day I learned something that I wish I could forget. It broke me and I am very conflicted about that religion. Now I am unsure if I ever wanna go back to it.

I struggle with a fear of abandonment and I don't want to risk it.


Although the concept of religion is good, but the implementation is always influenced by politics and ideologies in negative or positive ways .

In my opinion, spirituality is what makes people "happy" but religion is its more social accpect that can make them unaccepted, sad, angry or in the worst case dead.


To be honest, we all had religion trauma, but atleast it doesn't effect us that much mentally since we still get to go through lif.e


I was raised as a Buddhist, but I never truly believed it. For the longest time, I considered myself an atheist. However, two years ago, I hit rock bottom and desperately needed someone to talk to or a community to support me during that tough time. I ended up going to a non-denominational Christian community church, where the members warmly welcomed me, helped me find a job, contributed to paying my rent, and showed me constant love and support through prayers. I have never been happier to be around such lovely folks without feeling judged. ❤🙏✨
