Is the ONE TRUE GOD changing Scripture? Mandela Effect, Bible Changes

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This channel covers all things Jesus, the Word of God, King of Kings and Lord of Lords. We are seeing lying signs and wonders right now, as prophesied in 2 Thessalonians 2. Bibles are supernaturally changing today, preparing for the antichrist and one world satanic system. I have written several books on the supernatural Bible changes and all are available on Amazon and on my website, bible-changes dot com
#bibleprophecy #mandelaeffect #supernaturalbiblechanges
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Hi Kat. I have been listening to you 2 months since you started. So it was in 2016. I have too much to say, I'm a truck driver and that is why I cannot call. I'm always distracted constantly by the company. But what I want to tell you is that I was contacted by the secret society and because I had an invention going on, they wanted me to join them and because I am a Christian, they told me that if I join then, I will be able to make a new bible with them. This was in 2010 of August b4 I even new about the Mandela effect happening. Well I think they try to recruit Christians so we can make this new Bible. I said to myself (NO because we already have a Bible and NO WAY was I going to do that but now that I see that they were going to change our Bibles, the bible says that whosoever takes away or add to our bibles, the wrath of the Lord was going to be worse on them. SO ITS NOT GOD (JESUS CHRIST) changing the bible, it's the ones who sold their souls to Satan and were Christians. So this is why it's changing because of those who were chosen and they know they are changing our bibles for fame and fortune. And so now I see why they wanted me to join because they were going to make my invention explode and I mean a lot of money that I would have gotten. But since I read the bible all my life, I was able to remember the phrase ( WHAT DOES IT PROFIT A MAN TO GAIN THE WHOLE WORLD AND LOOSE HIS OWN SOUL) so I discarded my invention and would not join them and I did not want their help but I decided to stay where I am and that's with my savior JESUS CHRIST. They are using the help of Cern and quantum computers. I understand that I sounds silly for telling you this but this did happen to me. I lost over 100, 0000 dollars for my work but I don't care about the money; I care about staying and going home with JESUS CHRIST. HE IS THE WORD OF GOD. NOT THE BIBLE. THE WORD OF GOD ENDURES FOREVER.


After telling my sister (she's been born-again for 48 yrs.) about the Bible changes, she dismissed it by saying that it's ok with her because God's allowing it. She thinks if He allows it, then everything's fine with it. Sad.


Kat beck from oz is absolutely 💯 right not much more could I add as to why the changes! If you noticed my comments on the streams they are very similar. Praise the lord for his truth and giving us holy spirit that gives us eyes to see and ears to hear and for sealing us! What an awesome loving father!


Romans 8:35, 37 (Amplified Bible)

Who shall ever separate us from the love of Christ? Will tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword?


The answer is simple...
I AM...


Dear Kat, I’ve been with you since the beginning of your channel. Hang in there….you’re doing great! I’m feeling the wearing down of the saints. The majority of the world doesn’t see the changes in the Bible. NOTHING MAKES SENSE to me too!!!


The live chat disappeared off my phone but it’s still on Renee’s 🤷‍♀️. What’s going on 🧐


Very interesting stream and interesting topic !!!! My view (like I said in the chat) is that these changes far too "clever" to be of human origin. Please don't take the word clever in a wrong way. All I am saying that these changes are done in such an intelligent and co-ordinated way that no "rocket engineer" at CERN could do that. Thus I think the source for these changes is *SUPERNATURAL*. If one believes in Christian theology, it means that the force behind supernatural changes is either (a) God or (b) satan (in a manner explained in Job 1:6-12, God allowing satan to do the changes.


God is unchanging. Why would his word change? It is foretold that people will hunger for the word of GOD. So the Most High is definitely allowing this to happen and bringing this prophecy of his to fruition.


Just looked at a map and you can now just about walk from Australia to Papua New Guinea. I remember "salute" from the 90's but not with a Holy kiss, it was great each other with a Holy kiss and that was only mentioned once.
