Why Lucia di Lammermoor is one of opera's most challenging roles (The Royal Opera)

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Donizetti’s opera of a woman forced to breaking point is conducted by Michele Mariotti with a cast including Lisette Oropesa, Charles Castronovo and Christopher Maltman, in Katie Mitchell’s powerful production.

Lucia di Lammermoor is Donizetti’s tragic masterpiece. The opera marked the beginning of his partnership with regular collaborator librettist Salvadore Cammarano – who, as was the fashion of the day, looked to Walter Scott. Cammarano’s adaptation of Scott’s novel The Bride of Lammermoor moved Donizetti greatly with its tale of the tragic consequences of a forced marriage. In the subsequent score he produced not only some of his most beautiful but also his most dramatically potent music.

One of the UK’s most sought-after directors, Katie Mitchell created a new production for The Royal Opera in 2015. Mitchell compellingly draws the famous title character as a strong and independent woman who fiercely fights against her brother’s machinations. A spectacular split-screen set designed by Vicki Mortimer metes out the tragic events of Donizetti’s opera with devastating precision.

The beauty of her voice goes without saying but can we please talk about that shade on her lips??? GORGEOUS!


Lisette Oropesa should not be compared with anyone, she is a class of her own. Constantly mentioning names of the past or the present, is that all one can do? (judging by the many comments) Simply enjoy this marvellous young singer, who has it all. I am also old and remember (and still admire) the late Anna Moffo as a vocal miracle, but at the same time I notice that there are excellent singers now too and mark my words, Lisette Oropesa might be one the best of her generation. Bravo Lisette.


The notes !
The Diminuendo !
The cresendos !
Absolutely Stunning !


Those pianissimos are heaven. Beautifully executed.


The phrase at 1:47 - 1:56 is impeccable! So virtuosic!


"So much push and pull. I'll stare at you the whole time... I'm supposed to stare at the ghosts, but I might stare at you sometimes because it's very important that I see you for some of these things. It's very off-kilter sometimes."

Translation: "You need to look at me while you conduct. This is bel canto, which means I need to take the lead sometimes. If you're not watching me, I'm the one who has to stare at you in order to keep us together. That's not going to work onstage when I'm busy pretending to go crazy."

Truly a masterclass in dealing diplomatically with egotistical conductors who can't handle direct feedback. 😆


Very interesting video. As for her singing, she's amazing - and this is just a rehearsal! Impeccable fioriture, wonderful rich timbre, excellent musicality, trills, vocal expresiveness, breath control, solid emission from top to bottom, and so on, she has it all. Brava!


Well, then...

She's a superhero.


To all those who like this music but are lost in the world of operas, I say this...

Operas are like wine. The result of enormous human labor and exacting demands. There is much to understand, but you can enjoy it with zero understanding. If the wine feels like heaven on your tongue, so too, does opera on your ears.

Knowing more about how the wine was made, and what flavors like oak barrels, berries, spices enhanced it, and what food to eat it with, makes the wine so much more interesting and enjoyable. Pairing it with the right food makes it come alive! This is much easier than you think. Look it up, and then serve it with that food on your table. Now you know that wine. Don't worry about wine snobs who make you feel small because they 'know' and you don't. This is an insecure person. You do not need to know a thing about wine to enjoy it!

So too, with opera. The music is universally appealing, the emotions belong to every human being, even if the words are in another language, and the story is unknown. So look up the story, look up the translation of the lyrics (libretto) and you are now there! Now it makes sense when you watch the drama unfold on stage. You can borrow opera CDs from your library, and study them. Every child should have been exposed to music but often they are not. As adults, make an effort to appreciate the art of music. Study the composer's life, what the synopsis is, what kind of female soprano sings the main arias - are they a coloratura, lyric, or mezzo soprano? Who are the great male tenors? How many ranges do we have for women, men: Lyric Soprano, Soprano, Contralto, Alto, Countertenor, Tenor, Baritone, Bass, etc. I'm not an expert but know the basics.

Opera is the highest form of music. Because there is a story told in music. There is stage acting, there are foreign languages to learn, there are 3-4 hrs of songs to memorize, there are heavy costumes to wear and movements to make, there is the study of the role which is about how to interpret the song so that the emotion is best conveyed to the audience, and there is the Olympic feat of singing at the very limits of the human voice range. It is not easy to be an opera singer. They study for years as children and give up a lot of their lives to give you the most exquisite sounds of the human voice. It is a matter of genetic luck to have an opera singer born in our time on earth, and the luck to have this singer be recognized for their talent, and have access to training.

When this great art exists, you the audience can, and should make the effort to hear it. Hear the voices that existed for each brings different gifts to us. Make an effort to visit your library and borrow the CDs that are sitting dusty on shelves, and study them. I guarantee your soul will rise in flight along with the song.


I and my grand-daughter who was going to the opera for the first time just saw Lisette Oreposa in the
dress rehearsal at Covent Garden. She was absolutely terrific as Lucia. In particular I loved her diminuendo.
At a dress rehearsal in a role such as Lucia one cannot expect this fearfully demanding coloratura role to be sung in full throttle, all the time. I thought that Lisette Oropesa showed herself to be a prima donna of the first order.
My !! The last act and having a miscarriage on stage after murdering her husband, blood and all. This was electric ! If
the spit stage was to a degree off putting in the early acts, by the mad scene it worked perfectly. Thank You
Covent Garden from a senior citizen who was able to take his 15 year old grand-daughter to the opera and
who cannot wait for the next time. She loved it. To be honest I would think that children not much younger than
my grand-daughter's age should be restricted from seeing this Donizetti masterpiece . Not surpassed by Verdi until
La Traviata his 18th opera.


I never studied music, but OMG this sings to my soul. She put so much emotion in her voice. I wish I could see Lucia di lammermoor one day. Or any other opera. The emotions are so real!!!! So amazing ❤❤❤❤❤It is aways a very dramatic story behind this beautiful voices😢


Flawless voice and great actress - The magic combo!


Apologies. I'm lost, I don't like opera because I don't understand it, but I DO RESPECT it, and the people who do like it. I must admit that I have to educate more myself about this art, and that she does have an amazing vocal gift. 👍👏🌹🥀✌


The vocal coordination!!! I staaan a soprano with a solid chest voice


GAGGGG this is so good!!!! She’s amazing, low notes trills and all.


It’s so hard to gauge a singer’s sound and volume from a YT clip. She will be singing some big roles in New York, and I hope its worthwhile. I saw both Sills and Sutherland as Lucia, 1976 and 1982, respectively. Both fantastic, of course, in different ways. But they’re gone and I want to see new rising stars.


Many below ask that we not compare to past performers of this role. I agree in some ways but also those who sang the role in the past create a frame of reference to understand her achievement here. She is clearly working out the relation between the music, the creative performance of the music, and the drama being presented. This is a great singer working to create the character that Donizetti wrote. She is quite spectacular in this respect.


What a lovely voice! Such beauty & talent in her work.


He disagreed with her and said the exact thing she said. So stupid


She is amazing but good lord someone fix the mic.
