2024 Suzuki GSX-8R | Owner Review & Ride

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Hello and welcome to my first ever motorcycle review! This is my 2024 Suzuki GSX-8R and I’ve had the pleasure of putting a few hundred miles on it during New Jersey’s infamous “False Spring”! I was the first to take delivery on the East Coast of the US, so I’ve been impatiently waiting to get this video filmed and uploaded!
I hope you enjoy this quick review and some of my rambling, and sorry for the sniffling, I’m getting over a cold and it was a balmy 48 degrees when I went out to film! Anyway, please like and subscribe if you enjoyed the video, I’ll be filming motovlogs, reviews, and plenty of other motorcycle related content in the near future!
I hope you enjoy this quick review and some of my rambling, and sorry for the sniffling, I’m getting over a cold and it was a balmy 48 degrees when I went out to film! Anyway, please like and subscribe if you enjoyed the video, I’ll be filming motovlogs, reviews, and plenty of other motorcycle related content in the near future!