3 Reasons You're Not Making More Money

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Do you wish you were making MORE money?

When you think about it, what thoughts start popping in your head?

Are they positive or negative?

What I’ve found is that the way we *think* about money actually has a lot to do with the way we think about ourselves.

If you think you need to work hard to make money (and that it can’t come to you passively or effortlessly), then try replacing “money” with your personal “value” or “worth.” For example, “I need to work hard to make money,” becomes “I need to work hard to be valuable.”

Or what if your belief is that you “don’t deserve to make more money.” Try saying, “I don’t deserve more worth.” Ouch, right?

The way we *think* and talk about money has so little to do with actual dolla bills, and so much to do with how we value ourselves on a human level.

And yo -- I’m speaking from experience here. I’ve been through and thought all of these same things myself. But these days, talking about abundance is something that fills me to the brim because of how much this topic influences our entire lives.

After you watch the video, can you do me a favor and comment below? Let me know which “reason” resonated with you, and your game plan to let go of beliefs that are currently holding you back.

I can’t WAIT to hear your thoughts, because this topic has *truly* changed my life and my bank account.
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I just found you after reading about the most successful bloggers and their incomes.

Your vibe is so beautiful that I see why you’re so successful and am going to learn as much as I can from you.

My limiting mindset belief also has that idea about evil.


Number 2 is just so striking. I only heard a pastor talk on this same issue. When you stereotype the rich people as evil, you are essentially precluding yourself from wealth. Because for you, their having money is why they are evil, and you on your not being evil don't want anything that is connected to evil. It registers in your subconscious. It is simply a matter of "what you attack you can't have". Number 3 is a result of our upbringing and disciplines like economics that teach us lies like scarcity. For me, breaking from number was easy. Just read tones of articles and stories about the richest people in the world. Seeing those big money figures would stretch your mind and naturally make you question that false believe. There is enough to go round. Great video, thank you 👍🏿


I just found your blog and I loved this. This video is 🔥! Please do more!


I guess my one is nunber one that i have to work hard to get more money. The thing is I've been blogging and investing for almost 3 years now without making any money and I see lots of people earning a good amount of money in 6 months of blogging. I love, I love writing and blogging but I just feel like I'm not putting the work to monetize or maybe I just don't know how to do it.


The one that resonated with me-money is limited. There is only so much, and there won't be enough for me, or the people I love. Actually, this whole subject is resonating with me, because December 31st is the last day at my current job (didn't want to move to another state, so will take the severance instead), and I am choosing not to immediately look for another "jobby job", i.e., desk type corporate job. I am going to go back to my true love, acting and the entertainment industry, and I am working on my mindset about money, telling myself I have more than enough to go without a real paycheck for a while (and I do, after saving like a fiend the last few years!). It can be tough, though, so this was a helpful reminder that by changing my thinking, I can change my relationship to money. Thank you!


I use the abundance mindset in my health coaching! The major question is what will you do when you trust you are worth it?


Thank you for the message.. I learnt you don’t need to much money because money will will not allow you to serve God. Rich people don’t go to heaven. That’s a limiting belief I have learned.


Hi Melyssa,
thank you for the video. I'm thinking around this subject very often at the moment. Yes, there are these misbeliefs and they can be really strong. There is a german saying/proverb in my family that is really strong and I try to get rid of it. In german it's: Die Bäume wachsen nicht in den Himmel. The translation is: The trees do not grow in the sky. The english synonym is: All good things come to an end.
My thoughts: But where else do they grow, the trees?
It would be great to get rid of it, to have a great kick-off of new ideas and more fun and money in life. :-)
Best wishes from Germany


Hi again Melyssa. This is Carlos here.

For me, I would choose Reason 1: Working Hard to make more money. People are trying to earn more money by working additional jobs to earn for a living & value, not just one job (and it is very tough) There's nothing holding back with my money, so I'm all good with my job. If I have a game plan to prevent myself holding back in Money, I'll be ready for it. ;)

My former Co-worker 'Melissa' (with a different spelling name) used to work in Angel's Stadium of Anaheim (I used to work there too) as a Dishwasher/Kitchen Cleaner. She told me that she has another job: Supervisor in McDonald's. She wanted to keep herself busy working in Kitchens not just to make more money in general, but also to use it to build up her work experiences to work which ever 'Dream' job she wanted to be.

My thoughts on watching the video.
This is very true. A lot of people wanted so much help in learning to make more Money in a positive way. Some good rich people are still giving away money for good causes, charitable events, and many more while other Rich people are still Greedy for absurd reasons. Making more money is good, but people still need to use it for a good value to keep themselves not just being busy, but to use it for the Good. :)

Thank you for sending me (and your subscribers) email to watch your YouTube video, and you did a nice job for your overall presentation in the YouTube video. *Clapping Hands* ^_^


This lady is extremely talented and impressive


I had all the above 3 beliefs which now I realized are not true.


good point that grinding may not be the answer. A refreshing alternative perspective from Gary Vee's mantra 😅.


And which is the beat skill.to be mastered about digital.marketing


Hey Any specific content u got to say about email marketing and automation


Hey Melyssa, your videos are awesome and love the branding and content! I'd love to talk about a potential collab if that's something you're open to.