Budget Bill Focuses on Opioid Abuse, Elder Care

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The Senate Health and Human Services Committee advances its supplemental budget plan Thursday, April 19, which sets aside money to combat the opioid abuse epidemic and improve the care of elderly Minnesotans and long-term care facilities.

Sponsored by Senator Michelle Benson, R-Ham Lake, the bill appropriates $2 million dollars for an opioid prevention pilot program and spends another $1 million dollars for grants to encourage paramedic teams to establish follow-up programs with victims of overdose.

The bill also provides $3 million dollars for the Elder Care and Vulnerable Adult Protection Act, sponsored by Senator Karin Housley, R-St. Marys Point. In addition, the measure creates a Health Policy Commission to examine ways to reduce health care costs, and another provision authorizes a study on low-value health care services that provide little or no medical benefit to patients.
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