Are You Waiting for Something to Happen? | Non-Duality Contemplation and Awakening

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The impulse to keep on waiting for something to happen is a habit that we have been taught by society. But you will never reach a point of fulfillment, because you are already here.

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Besides talking and writing about Non-Duality I am also an artist. Painting with mostly acrylics, but sometimes also with mixed media, on canvas and paper.

#awakening #enlightenment #nonduality #meditation #truth #advaita #mindfullness #spirituality #vedanta #happiness #peace #happiness
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This is Nico.
I have listened to all your videos.
Thank you.


Yes a paradox...a miracle waiting for a miracle to besutiful


Laughing already only after watching the first true though 😅❤❤


So beautiful and clear ! Just found you and love it !


This mind in perpetual waiting goes through this loop :- striving - getting what it wants - getting over it soon - striving some more and the loop continues . Parts of the loop can be a different from person to person but the basic mechanism is this. For some of us striving can be -- listening to endless nonduality videos, maintaining a particular diet, meditation, etc . Waiting is a terrible idea however novel the end goal is . When it is pointed, it seems so logical, so true but till then, how many of us actually realized it . I think fulfillment is a joke on humanity.

Seeing this loop is Ending the loop . All the people who listened to this beautiful message are out of the loop but remember, your job is not done. It has to lived moment to moment.


Hi Hans, it resonates in me what you suggest. But you yourself said in another video that there was a lack in you. And a book reminded you that we are not our thoughts. And something happened. Something '''New" was born. And Life became Fresh. So you can now compare between the "Old" and the "New" view. Most of us don"t have such an insight, although we can follow your words. Even logically. is smart and will try to imitate the insights you have had...I think you know what i mean. And again we are in the this mind-loop, a new programming. Once there was an Advaita Vedanta teacher who said: "What is there we don't want, and what we want is not there". Seems to me the same "Message" you are telling. What i have learned the last years is the same as you said: "We are not our thoughts", we are the Knower of them". Easy to see that, but again there is still a search. Must be the Ego, claiming this insight. Looks to me that this I-sense has to dissolve in something else. The I Am feeling who is seeking its without "creating new thoughts". Kind of waiting station. But there also lies an "Expectation".
Kind of Paradox....


I struggle with this all the time and have to constantly wake up only to fall into it again.


Hello sir. I have a question for you. Is God behind all faces or is God behind one face imagining all the rest? Thank you!
