Almighty God, please increase my faith, strengthen my hope, and grant me the patience...#shorts

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Almighty God, please increase my faith, strengthen my hope, and grant me the patience...#shorts
God loves you
God saved us
God takes care of you
Jesus loves you
Jesus saved us
Jesus died for our sins
Jesus died once and for all
Jesus was crucified for us sinners
Jesus has forgiven you
Jesus is Lord
#godlovesyou #godsavesus #godsavesus #jesuslovesyou #jesussavedus #jesusdiedforoursins #jesusdiedonceandforall #jesuswascrucifiedforussinners #jesushasforgivenyou #jesusislord #jesuschrist
God loves you
God saved us
God takes care of you
Jesus loves you
Jesus saved us
Jesus died for our sins
Jesus died once and for all
Jesus was crucified for us sinners
Jesus has forgiven you
Jesus is Lord
#godlovesyou #godsavesus #godsavesus #jesuslovesyou #jesussavedus #jesusdiedforoursins #jesusdiedonceandforall #jesuswascrucifiedforussinners #jesushasforgivenyou #jesusislord #jesuschrist