You Have Until July 31st to Change Your Canva Account

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--- Products Featured today: (all are affiliate links)

Some of the old filters & adjustments and a work around, but the old filter & adjustment tools are NO LONGER available within Canva.

Thoughtfully showcase your heartfelt support for the invaluable knowledge gained here by actively engaging through Super Thanks, Super Stickers, or Super Chat. Your kind contributions make a meaningful impact. Another meaningful way to demonstrate your thoughtful support is by sharing what you've learned from today's video or asking any questions you may have. You could learn from anyone and you choose to learn from me. That means more than I could ever express.

Some of the links are affiliate or referral links and I may earn a small commission or credit to my account if you make a qualifying purchase. The 30 Day Free Canva Pro Trial is available to you if you've never tried out Canva Pro before. This is affiliate link which means if you decide to keep Canva Pro after the free trial, I will receive a small commission.

#canvassador #learncanva4yt

00:00 View Only Link Changes & Why View Only Links Are Important (my affinity challenge)
11:19 Canva Photo Editing Updates (We got some back!)
30:00 Why I Use View Only Link
33:19 Fun Creator Products I bought under $45 total to solve a specific problem
44:00 Talking More About Affinity

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I haven't receied an email. Is this for Pro accounts only, Canva Educators or anyone with a Canva account? Just want to make sure since I haven't received an email and wonder if I will. Thank you for the heads up!!


Hey Jennifer, I checked my emails and I do not have that notice from Canva. I know I have shared links on a few of my designs. So I am assuming how I shared it is not affected by this change coming. Your thoughts?
