Chess Calculation Training [Secret Technique]

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📗 Learn the Essentials to Win Chess Games Easily

🏆 About the chess course "7 Keys to Victory"

You can find A LOT of different chess rules and instructions on how to play chess, however there are ONLY 7 MAIN THINGS which you should do while you play a game of chess. In this comprehensive chess course, GM Igor Smirnov will explain these rules one by one.

This course will help you improve your game and your thinking process during the game. All the ideas are explained with simple examples to understand.

If you think that the ideas are limited for amateur games, we'll prove you wrong. 😊 At the end of the course we’ll analyze games played by former world champion and legend Garry Kasparov and use the 7 keys to find his moves and understand them.

In today’s video lesson, GM Igor Smirnov will share with you a technique that allowed some of his students in the past increase 100-200 rating points quickly!

This technique will improve your chess calculation and visualization skills, and will also improve your overall chess skills significantly. If you are not sure when to calculate, how to calculate effectively, this training will help you for sure.

In the examples that GM Igor Smirnov will share with you, only 20% of the players were able to find the best move, while 80% of the players could not. And learning this technique will help you become one among the 20% strong chess players.

► Chapters

00:00 Technique to Improve Your Chess Ratings
00:23 Only 20% players find the best move
01:46 Improving your chess calculation
03:37 Know when & how to calculate in chess
05:19 How to calculate effectively in chess?
08:15 Chess Calculation Training Exercise-2
10:40 7 Keys to Victory in Chess

#IgorNation #ChessTips #ChessImprovement #ChessTraining
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📗Learn the Essentials to Win Chess Games Easily


You never seem to run out of really insightful practical lessons. Amazing really


► Chapters

00:00 Technique to Improve Your Chess Ratings
00:23 Only 20% players find the best move
01:46 Improving your chess calculation
03:37 Know when & how to calculate in chess
05:19 How to calculate effectively in chess?
08:15 Chess Calculation Training Exercise-2
10:40 7 Keys to Victory in Chess


10:34 the move Nd5 is a blunder, black captures the knight with his knight, and is therefore a piece up. If white takes the bishop black recaptures with the knight on d5, remaining a piece up.


10:33 sec bro first when u put ur knight there then he takes it with his knight on which you were putting pressure then you will have a piece hanging on that square and at the same time ur bishop will also be under attack and if u go for capturing the Black's bishop with ur then he will simply capture with his knight which was hanging. Ultimately it's a piece up for black


10:36 saw the boomerang tactic of Nxd6, with an discovered attack on the bishop on g5 and if the g5 bishop decides to capture our bishop with Bxe7 we simply "boomerang" our knight back to e7 with Nxe7, and if he takes our knight, let's say with Bxd5 or exd5, then Bxg5 and we are a piece up


You can't have us concentrate on the lesson with your cat being so cuddly in the background 😂


Nd5 is a bad move because you loose a piece after Nxd5 Bxe7 and Nxe7(black is a piece up)


I dare say you can make it one step simpler to find Bxf6 simply by thinking in terms of removing the defender, and the way to remove the defender is to use critical points (the bishop is attacked and defended an equal number of times and Qxg4 is an equivalent exchange) but maybe it improves the clarity to count the material captured each turn actually


thanks igor . i find Bf6 after think 3 minits🙂


I think you have to play bishop h6, attacking the rook making in unable tp guard f7. Then after Nd5, Nxd5, Bxd5 you threaten mate so Kh8, Qxf7 and you're winning.

After checking with lichess's engine black can play Nd4 removing Queen from the f file so the tactic doesn't work. Apparently the best move is Ne2.
And if black moves the rook theres is still Bf6 after Bxd5, but it's +2 here

If there was a knight on e2 in the position bh6 would be winning since Nd4 would be met with Nxe2 and the sequence of moves is the same.


What about Bh6? Black has to respond Nd4, then white goes Qd1 to cover the fork and black is forced to move rook? The threat will eventually be ND5 for white of black keeps covering the f7 pawn. That may be wrong but I think it makes sense?


There's a good Ben Finegold YouTube video on "The Reason People Don't Get Better At Chess According to Ben Finegold" he shows a Wing Gambit where GM Shirazi blunders a rook in six moves v IM Jon Peters.


Nd5 is bad as black now has Nxd5 and if we just take the knight with the pawn or the bishop your own bishop is hanging thus black may take it and previously you lost 3 points on a knight but you recapture it back making an equal trade however then you loss a bishop and get absolutely nothing. Coming back Nd5 Nxd5 the other forcing move is Bxe7 capturing the bishop and if back recaptures with the queen then we recapture and it is equal but if black recaptures it with the knight we can not recapture so before we lost a knight and then a trade with bishop takes e7 and Nxe7 so we are down by 3 points thus we are losing. So underlines the reason for Knight d5 being bad (blunder maybe actually).


1. Nd5 move in the 2nd game is bad because of 1. .... Nxd5, 2. Bxe7 Nxe7 and black is up a piece.


I saw it because danger levels if they take the queen i take their queen then they take then i take so im up a knight now


The answer : Bxf6 Bxf6 Nd5 Be7. And we have a superior knight on the board!


Nd5 is a good move because it is defended by 2 white pieces and attacking 2 black pieces including a possible check!


Great stuff.
Is there any course for improving calculation.


Nd5 loses to Nxd5, because Bxe7 can be met with Nxe7, while Bxd5 can be met with Bxg5.
