How To Get A FREE S Class Solar Ship!! No Man's Sky Outlaws Gameplay

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How To Get A FREE S Class Solar Ship!! No Man's Sky Outlaws Gameplay

This is how to get a free S Class solar ship in No Man's Sky Outlaws! We are starting to find crashed ships that are S Class, and one of those ships is this beautiful S Class Solar and it is awesome. It is all white with green crescent sails on it. You can claim it and repair it for use in your fleet or just scrap it and get those S Class upgrades from it.

My PC Specs:
Intel Core i9-10900K
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080
64GB G.Skill Ram
Samsung 970 EVO Plus 2TB

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ATTENTION: if you run into a problem getting this ship and it doesn’t spawn because communication stations are filling the area I have a solution. All you have to to is land you ship close by to the spawn area, once you have done that report all the communication stations to remove them. Once you have done that, enter your ship and exit again go to options and hit reload AUTO save. When the game reloads the ship should be there.

EDIT: As of 2024 June 8th a structure was created at the spawn location of the ship, Causing it to spawn more reliably and frequently. If problems still arise, follow above instructions + report the base associated with any structures that could impede the spawning of the ship.


If you and a friend claim 1 each, then both head to the same station, you can trade ships with an npc and then you swap ships with your friends npc. The ship your friend gave away will be fully repaired and vice versa


I was really starting to think S class solars were nonexistent. I’ve been looking for ages and was starting to give up. Then it happened. One flew into the outlaw space station just as I was getting ready to leave. It’s blue/purple, (colorblind) exactly what I wanted. I found so many exotics before I found the S solar, even a squid.


As always, thanks for this superb video - no longer than it needs to be, always quality info! Wanted a white solar (all my main ships are white) so this is perfect for me! I'll grab it today :)


Hey Jason, thank you for the heads up. You might want to do a video showing players who want the ship in their Expedition save the easy way to get to Euclid via the Anomaly.


You need to move your ship close to the wreck. Then reload the save. Taken possession, return to the first ship, disembark and reload again. So don't be scared if you don't see the new ship anymore. You have her in the list of your ships, so you have to make her appear nearby, and she is yours.


I'm not joking, I got there and was transferring some stuff (I hadn't claimed the ship yet) AND THAT THING TOOK OFF BY ITSELF


I already had a solar ship but it's A class so I wanted this one. Long story short, I couldn't claim it in spite of numerous reloads, moving my ship, and getting rid of one base somehow very close to another one and all the silly message pods other players left littered around by reporting them. Finally I used a different ship of mine to save and reload, all previous attempts to get the S class solar was in my A class solar. After reloading using my fighter. I GOT THE S CLASS!!


Still works 2 months after this vid, I somehow manage to find this ship (name was kinda different) and also, somehow a duplicate ship from an npc that owned the same ship with the same name, but it was crashed as well.... Never seen that before.😆

Thanks for making this vid!


Cannot wait for nms to come to switch been playing since day 1 and love the idea of being able to explore on the go 😁


Just started playing NMS for the first time ever last night and accidentally stumbled upon a crashed S Class solar ship on my way back to the starter ship after retrieving the first hermetic seal. Decided to claim it and use it as my starter ship instead. Didn't realize there was any rarity to them.


Thanks a ton Jason, I've been searching for a white solar ship found a few but I'm loving this one, am getting this right after your video ends 👍🏻


Thank You for the guidance! Im playing on the Nintendo Switch and got my solar ship! ☀️ Coordinates: -40.39 & +60.45


I feel dumb but I have no clue what that portal with glyphs at the start is. Would have been nice if you explained how to get there in the first place...


for people on xbox having problems finding it i found it at -40.38 +60.50 no markers near it but so many com beacons that they dont show up i added a save beacon near it


One of the nicest looking solar ships! Super sharp!
The one I got early in Outlaws I don't use because I don't like the sails ...


This is the first time ı am commenting for a video for like 10 years or smt . U r the best jason for real u helped me soo much in this game thanks to you ı understood everything about it


Thank you for the lead! I just found it, but sadly it was a B-class solar ship. I still love the color so I kept it


Make sure you report the box base around the ship. For me the ship took off when I first approached it. Reloaded, reported the base and the ship did not fly away anymore.
On PC press X and scroll to the right to report a base. You can use the base S-VG5 as a direction marker.


just for the protocol:

not sure if this got patched after 4.06
but this is a C-Class Ship !!

even playing in *offline mode and reloading save several times, it still is a C-Class Ship, nontheless a really beautiful Ship!
and i can turn it into an S-Class,
so thanks a lot in any case, Jason! <3

*always hunt for ships/tools in offline mode!! ;)
(but still connected to servers, online)
