Kabbalah, the mystic heritage of the Abrahamic faith. Mystery and esotericism abound riddled with antiquated interpretations, philosophy, and spirituality.
Its amazing how "god" manifests itself through almost every single philosophical teaching. From the kabbalah to the sumerians, buddhism and hinduism to christianism...
Stoics, Magicians, Mathematics, Musicians... Jung really made a big step into the "aurora consurgens"...
The way you act in life, the more consciousness of the nature and interrelation of how "God" works, the more things start making sense and opening up to you....
It's like you can pierce trough the veil in everything you see in life.. Movies, paintings, your daily life.... The synchronicity, was always there, something odd was always there, you just could't notice it, for you were not looking trough your real eyes...
Just an advice for those on the path.
Love is the most primordial key to open up all of this "farfetched" knowledge.
Trust me, just learn what true love is, know thyself, and act out of love, nor impulses...
Once you do this, all you need will come piece by piece!
Trust, have faith, and love!
Btw, nice work my friend! Ty very much for your efforts!
"It's amazing to see the world through your eyes"
I just started doing the LBRP last week. IT led me here. This path is extremely powerful. Even though a very good thing it also needs some type of warning label. Surges of spiritual awakening after spiritual awakenings. An incredible experience unlike anything I could have dreamed of!❤️
Your explanation, especially for people who do not know the Kabala, answers many simple yet important related questions and information to gain better understanding without overthinking. You are a master of your word.
I cant explain how happy i am to find this channel. Ive been going over The Law of One for 3 years now and just discovered Kabbalah. Thank you!
1st I feel, I move my hands. 2nd I hear, I listen with my ears. 3nd l smell, I breath with my nose. 4th I speak, my mouth expresses. 5th I see, I Open my eyes, to see the kingdom.
Each of the 10 sephiroth exist in each of the others. So there is a malkuth of malkuth as well as a kether of malkuth and everything in between. There is also a kether of kether and a malkuth of kether (which is different from the kether of malkuth). And there are 4 worlds, usually visualized as stacked upon the other, so in total there are 400 sephiroth. Tav or Tau is the last Hebrew letter and its numerical value is 400, totality, completion and the universe/world.
I'm so happy to find this channel. I'm confident some of these videos will help me with the journey I'm taking in self care, contemplating universal laws through meditation, spiritual connection and hopefully personal evolution.
Thanks for sharing.
Hi there
one important mistake there
Keter כתר - is not knowing, it means "crown".
Da'at דעת- is knowing
And how is that, that sometimes we call the highest sefira above חכמה, בינה da'at דעת and sometimes keter כתר
That is also secret to learn.
Nice presentation style. I like it....kinda friendly, like a chat over a coffee on a rainy day in the park.
If you're wondering why Da'ath is usually not included alongside the other Sephirahs, it's because traditionally, Da'ath is not considered a Sephirah, it's a representation of all 10 Sephirahs united into one, and for reason i have yet to learn, due to some reason regarding it's nature, it is impressivable to us due to us having negative traits (like greed and selfishness), which is why some like to refer Da'ath as "the Hidden Sephirah"
Well, now I want to watch your old videos!
My man, I hope you keep doing this videos
Thank you for efforts in sharing enlightening insights on the Kabbalah. This has brought me great peace and joy
I love the occult female connection between Wisdom and kingdom/Shekinah. She is married to our Zar anpin both at the top and the bottom.
Well named, as you introduced me.to some concepts of Kabbalah.
Thumbs Up!
I just found your channel and I'm so grateful! I can't wait to watch more videos. You explanations are so interfering. I have so many questions!!
All your videos are great brother, stay optimizing
The fall caused Aima and Abba to turn their backs on each other, once they face each other again tiphareth will slide back up to where da'ath currently is, yesod will be where tiphareth is, and malkuth will be where yesod is.
I love how you explain that each of us can embody the traits of deity, we are the hands of deity in how we treat others! Our actions are the current unfolding or creation of the world. Genesis didn't happen once a long time ago, it is ongoing in each and every interaction between beings. :)
At 10:36 action and creation look the same to me. Are they different?
Thank you for sharing your efforts with us. I look forward to all of your enriching content. You are a pillar of my motivations!