Tales of Falling Down || Memory Lane

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I have fallen over in so many stupid ways I don't even know which one makes the best story.
Most recently I was on my way home from a really intense geology course and I'd been on a bus for 10 hours so I was in a really weird state of exhaustion. I tripped over my suitcase whilst trying to walk quickly past a group of drunk people. Falling over in front of them meant that I did the complete opposite of avoiding them and one of them spilled beer all over my suitcase whilst trying to help me up. I scrapped up my knee pretty bad but I was on my way to catch a bus so I got up and hurried away really quickly. End result: me at a bus stop with a bleeding leg and a suitcase that reeked of beer looking generally exhausted and frazzled.
On the note of Dael's creek accident: earlier in the week than my previous story we had a field trip on one of the days of the course. The first half of the day was fine, we just had to spend a few hours examining rocks along an even section of road. The second half of the day, however, involved us walking a couple of kilometres up a creek. It started off poorly when I tripped over a rock hidden under grass and twisted my foot. But I was okay, I was ready to keep going. I made it about 100 metres up the creek when we reached a point where an entire clay bank had slipped fairly recently. Wet clay + me climbing over it was a bad mix. Not only did I fall over several times (luckily wet clay is soft) but I also got very stuck in it (unfortunately wet clay is soft). We had shovels with us for scraping down sedimentary outcrops so we managed to dig out both my feet and shoes eventually but it was very cold, I hurt the foot I twisted earlier quite badly and I was covered in mud and very embarrassed.


Dael's Creek incident remind me of a couple of stories about my Sister, who has terrible luck with water.

So when we were younger, my family would take holidays down in the West country(Cornwall, Dorset, and Devon) usually staying at a Caravan park or a campsite near the coast; this would involve long car trips with frequent stops at petrol stations for food and other stuff along the way.
At one of these stop one year we decided to take the car through a car wash(i don't know why we through to do with on the way there rather than on the way back, but hey.), so we drive the car up to the entrance and my Dad says "We're gonna get a full wash and rinse, make sure you windows are shut.", we get through all the exciting stuff with the huge brushes and foam and the car rolls forwards into the rinse area, for some reason my Sister then thinks everything is over and grabs the handle to wind her window down just as the fine spray nozzles turn on and blast a jet of hot water into the car, missing her (since she was closest the the window) but covering my Brother and Myself from knee to navel with water for the full 20 seconds before she realises when she's done.
needless to say, the car was never cleaned again

The second incident happened when we had a holiday at a summer skiing park, that was made up to look like a Swiss lodge, with log cabin style houses and a dry ski slope.
we'd been there for a few days and myself, my brother and my sister decides to spend the afternoon exploring the nearby woodland in the park; it had been quite a wet summer, so a few areas like wooden bridges and pathways were closed off for safety, but we were young and a 'Keep out' sign is just an invitation for adventure.
we found a bridged over a small lake, which has a set of large, wooden, 'Jurassic park' style gates closing off one end to stop people crossing, but realised if you climb over the railings at one side, you can shimmy around the gate and climb back onto the bridge.
My brother goes first with no problem and beckons us to follow him, quickly followed by my sister, but just as she's wrapping herself around the gate, she slips, only falling about 2 to 3 feet, but landing screaming, waist deep in a thick black bog; once my brother had got back to the right side of the bridge, we managed to pull her out and then had to walk back to out cabin, trying to think of a good excuse to tell our parents and hoping the mud could be cleaned off.
I never did see when was on the other side of the bridge

there are lot more holiday stories, but I'll save those for another time.


The anecdote about the broken teacup reminded me of a story that I have been told about, but was not present for. My sister has a custom-made teapot with a small dragon climbing on the side of it. One time a friend of hers was lifting the teapot and the handle broke and the rest of the pot fell. Luckily it didn't really break from the fall and was later glued together, though the friend this happened to refused to lift it in the future.

And then there was the time when my friend and I were using my trampoline at the same time and the trampoline mat broke and we fell through it. We were both unharmed though, so it turned out fine.


Also I love the IT Crowd reference! "I'm disabled"


Here's just one of my many "Falling Down" stories:  Way back in the olden days (7th grade), I was playing the bass drum in the marching band at my school.  Our high school celebrates Homecoming with a parade followed by a football game.  This was our (7th graders)  first public performance and as we're marching in front of the main stands at the stadium,  filled with a few thousand people, I tripped.  Falling forward, I rolled over the drum so far that I hit my head on the ground.  Pushing off the ground, I rolled BACK over the drum to my feet and proceeded to march right on out of there.  It may not have been so embarrassing if I hadn't been on the side of the band nearest the crowd.


I fell down the stairs once when I was 10 or 11, but I was super lucky and didn't get injured at all. I actually don't remember the fall - I tripped at the top, then I was lying on my front at the bottom. The carpeting probably helped.


Bad luck vision is an excellent superpower. So much potential.


I was wondering why this seemed to be new but Dael said it was Winter, before realising of course,  she is in the Southern Hemisphere.  One stupid moment I remember from my schooldays (decades ago now!) was wondering what the (in system) justification for paying a Stamina (hit point) price for casting spells. For some reason, I decided to "prove" how ridiculous it was by walking around with my eyes shut, though I kept my arms out to stop me walking into things. I managed to walk straight into a tree, with the trunk perfectly between my arms. Don't know how many Stamina damage that took, but it was certainly quite a bump!


I have never fallen down the stairs, but I have (on multiple occasions) fallen up the stairs. Don't recommend it. Unlike falling down, it does not make the stair climbing experience faster.


Natalie is too quiet. You should get Twitter though Nat!
