JOBS SONG 🧑‍🔬🧑‍🚀🎶| Songs for kids | Lingokids

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Marie Curie. Thomas Edison. These are just two historical figures who invented great things to make our world a better place! This song teaches children about the many different types of jobs out there. Let’s learn about jobs in science and the arts, the possibilities are endless.

Lingokids Jobs Song Lyrics:
When I grow up….

I’d love to be a writer
Turn stories into books
Or maybe a dancer
turn music into moves

I’d love to be a pilot
And fly my friends across the world
I’d love to be an actor
Pretend to be somebody else

Or I could come up with medicines
Yeah I'd love to be a scientist
Maybe Chemist, maybe physicist.. or both!
Just like Marie Curie

I’ll build bridges to bring people close
Just like an engineer does
I’ll invent new things to light the world
Just like Thomas Edison

When I grow up, When I grow up
I wanna help build a better world
When I grow up, When I grow up
I wanna help build a better world

When I grow up, When I grow up

I could be a firefighter
And help to put out all the flames
Or I could be a botanist
Improve the crops that people eat

Or come up with new recipes
Like George Washington Carver did
Or I could build cars or even planes
Just like Henry Ford did in his days

When I grow up, When I grow up
I wanna help build a better world
When I grow up, When I grow up
I wanna help build a better world

In this Jobs Song for kids:
00:00 Lingokids intro
00:02 Jobs Song for kids
00:07 I’d love to be a writer
00:31 Or I could come up with medicines
00:53 When I grow up, When I grow up
01:21 I could be a firefighter
01:34 Or come up with new recipes
01:45 When I grow up, When I grow up
02:03 More songs, activities, and podcasts on our Youtube Channels
02:11 The full interactive adventure in the Lingokids app

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