100 years on, how the Communist Party dominates China

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The Straits Times, the English flagship daily of SPH, has been serving readers for more than a century. Launched on July 15, 1845, its comprehensive coverage of world news, East Asian news, Southeast Asian news, home news, sports news, financial news and lifestyle updates makes The Straits Times the most-read newspaper in Singapore.

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CCP brings prosperous to the country. chinese people enjoy higher standard of living & keep progressing. what a success.


China has come a long way to 100th CCP. There's always 2 sided of a coin. One side they have their own laws and regulations, the other side, are making money. As long as foreigner respect that, overseas big corporations especially branded company and business can really made big bucks from the size or population. Without the Chinese buying your products and services, I don't think depending on your own US market, or Europe Market or Latin American Market, or Asia market, your can always have huge or higher sales figure in your yearly financial report. Everyone must know and set their position and intention right, there are still a lot of money to be made from China huge population. Deng Xiao Ping must be overjoyed to see the success of China today and her influence and impact to the world.Lee Kwan Yew was right that China opened up, it is an eye opener to her country people and leaders that business opportunity and the ripple effects towards vibrancy and livelihood for her population is so great that billionaires and millionairs overnight can be created. That kind of figures of billionaire no other countries can beat.. Actually, now
the challenges is the atmosphere in Hong Kong. Future not forgetting if they are on the move to get back Taiwan too. China is the next Eastern Hollywood, have their own stage of Hollywood level of film making site and investment money. No wonder all Chinese actors, actress, singers from all countries Taiwan, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, and not forgetting Korean Actor's and Actress. Stay there over a period of times made huge earning.. That level of earning power will made all these entertainer overnight millionaire too. Look at Lawrence Wong who used to be a part time role in local singapore production 118. Look at him now, after being overwhelmed popularity, his earning power is greater than any one in our local tv market. And he even managed to built his own house. From this, you can realised how much you can made from China if your intention is making money.
