Plotting in R using ggplot2: geom_area function (Data Visualization Basics in R #7)

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From today, we will be exploring various functions and parameters offered by the ggplot2 package in R. As a start, we will look into the geom_area function which allows us to plot (single continuous) variables representing area.

For similar videos on data visualization, check out my “Data Visualization in R Tutorial Video Series; you can find the link to the playlist below:

If you are a beginner interested in learning data analysis in R, check our my “Data Analysis Basics in R Tutorial Video Series” as well. The link is attached below. Enjoy!!!


Other related videos/links:

# Data Visualization Basics in R

# Data Analysis Basics in R

# More about R


Also, in case you happened to be a spatial science (GIS/Remote Sensing) enthusiast, you are in luck! I have made available a whole bunch of related videos on my channel. A few of the most popular and/or significant ones are listed below. Enjoy!

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