Mage Tower 9.1.5 | Assassination Rogue (9th) [ Pre-Nerf ]

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pretty straight forward fight, one thing that was a game change for me was to kidney the 2nd rage then evasion after, so that kidney is back up for the 2nd bladestorm. other than that, keep up the bleeds on everyone and youll stay plenty health, you see i barely ever used the HP orbs.
i did use two macros to make it much easier.
this will kidney Jarl to stop his bladestorm or kite out his rage
blinds Sigryn to stop the Blood of the Father cast, make sure to stop it before it goes off, if you allow go off then you blind, you have to wait like 20 secs till the buff goes off, which in turns lowers your DPS by a lot.
kicks Runeseer Faljar, either the shadowbolt cast of the Ancestral Knowledge shield break. just kick on CD since itll still be up for the AK cast.
Talents: 1,2,1,1,1,2,3
i probably should have taken deeper stratagem but both are good
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