Dragunity Deck For Sale!

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3x Phalanx $30 (secret)
3x Dux $3 (secret)
2x Aklys $1 (super)
3x legionare $1 (super)
1x effect veiler $15 each (rare) (i can add another one if u want)
1x Levytan $1
Total: 66

Staples $5 (reborn, mst, bom, trunade, dark hole)
2 cards of consanace $1
3x terraforming $1
3 dragon ravine $1
2x pot of avarice $10 (one common, one super)
1x forbidden lance $11
1x foolsih burial free (throw in)

2x Icarus attack $4 (one common, one gold)
2x compulsory $3
2x bottomless $5
1x dimensional $5
1x solemn judgement $1
1x mirror force $2
total: 20

Extra deck(sorry run out of vajryanas)
2x stardust $20 (one secret, one gold)
1x red dragon archfiend $5 super
2x dragunity kngiht gae bulg $5
1x iron chain dragon $1
Total: 31

Grand Total: $130
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