Will Smith's Son Jaden Smith's Twitter Rant Calls for Everybody to Drop Out of School

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I can see the manipulation and cut out information drooling out of this video.


1. They did not explain his reasoning as to why he disagrees with the schooling system

2. They quote him saying something but do not in anyway quote the question or show exactly what he was answering "I do what I want to do"

He could be talking about If he lets peer pressure or manipulation control his actions. He could simply be saying Hell no, I'm free of all that.

Last but not least, over 80% (quoted from a famous video forget the name) of congress (or whatever I never bothered to learn the hypocritical and clearly flawed political system of America) AGREE That the schooling system is highly flawed.

and many many people bring GREAT points... Look, NASA or whatever says "We want to look at a goats behind from outer space give us a million billion dollars" and it's all good.

Millions of people, a majority of voters and many many students prove both scientfically and logically that the school system is highly flawed and is STUNTING HUMANITY AS A WHOLE. and it gets shrugged off?

ABC News you suck I hope you all lose your jobs you traitors. enjoy your pay check while you manipulate your fellow countrymen back stabbers.


To tell you the truth, I agree. Humans are amazing people. Each and everyone of us. If we didn't have someone teaching us based on what's going on, we would be more intelligent. He's not saying that we shouldn't learn how to speak, or write, cause we need to for communication. But why do we say the pledge of allegiance every morning? Half of you don't realize what the words that are coming out of your mouth mean.Things like this is what he means. Learning about history and how so much hatred caused so many wars is being repeated to the younger generation in our classrooms. And I don't know about you, but school is very repetitive and what is being taught doesn't satisfy me. I go to bed every night with so many unanswered questions of what I REALLY want to know.


I agree with Jayden, Will taught him well


He's not saying anything wrong. It's been misunderstood and made to be taken out of context. The point is our human minds learn shit all day everyday on their own. No need to sit through a quarter of your life starring at a teacher saying the same bs as the teacher before that. Curriculum hasn't been changed since like the fucking 70's (besides math). Imagine spending you're first 20 years figuring shit out for your self. I mean getting up off your ass and actually doing things you truly want to do, or learning things that you actually give a fuck about. Imagine how much more useful you would be to everyone including yourself. Besides reading and writing I don't see the point in school. Once you learn how to read, you're good. Anything you ever, and I do mean EVER, wanted to know or learn is written down somewhere in a book. Duh. Knowledge is free school is a business. It's up to the individual to learn and grow. You make these kids sit for hours listening to inaccurate boring ass shit after you feed them fake cafeteria food then have the nerve to say they need a pill to focus. No bitch, they bored and trying to stay awake. They're kids, they're supposed to move around and talk its called exploring. If they were elsewhere they'd be exploring elsewhere. don't fault them or Jaden for having an out of date lying ass hateful education system. It's just the truth, American public education is sad. And what's more sad is social acceptance of it. Fuck them news reporters this video. Real talk.


Oh my. I just realised that Britian copied Good Morning America and called it Good Morning Britain. No wonder the raitingsbarnt good at all.


looks like jadens right on the money, bright kid


I think the young man has an excellent point, if you actually think about it =)


He has absolutely amazing points ! I feel so bad for anyone who still thinks that going to school and getting some paper means you're "Educated". If you think that, please do some research of your own and read a book about the human mind for god's sake ! So many small minded people in the comments and of course the media, which is a huge part of the system next to the education is telling you that this kid is a lunatic because he can actually think for himself !


Everything Jaden said is right. In most cases, school is for the week minded. That kid is smarter than people are giving him credit for.


The statement was actually very intelligent and very true. I read some of the comments prior to actually reading what he said and I honestly couldn't have said it better. The United States educational system is heavily flawed and not to mention, the biased and fabricated history. I'll say it again this was a very intelligent statement, especially for someone his age.


He's not saying education isn't important. He's just stating that the form of teaching used within the majority of schools to educate our youth is limiting to the human mind.
    And IT IS!


"Don't let schooling interfere with your education" -Albert Einstein
This kid is onto something...


I spent 12 years in public school and I totally agree with him.


The fact that so many people disagree with his comment show how right he is... #tools


Stuff you learned in math you never use half of school stuff we learned we never use or need they need to change the way school teaches


People hes only 16, let the boy be, when your 16 you say things all the time even if it doesnt make sense. But for a 16 year old he is very smart and non ignorant. He speaks his mind and does not follow the crowd. How can you hate on someone who only 16 who is being his self?? Smh you see someone be real you get upset but when you people say this all the time " i wish everyone would be real and just be honest" but when ever someone does such a thing he or she is hated..smh. .... and by being real i mean by him speaking his mind, being his self, and telling it how it is


nasty little hit piece from abc news, especially love their 3sec cropped clip of him saying "enjoy yourself and dont look to please others" as if to imply how selfish he is when in context we know exactly what he means, as in don't compromise your integrity by worrying what others think of you, enjoy yourself.

It should make people wonder why a news corporation is so interested in discrediting views that go against status quo


i honestly think those tweets were very intelligible


let's say....he's painfully honest instead


In the words of Frank Zappa: ''If you want to get laid, go to college. If you want an education, go to the library''.

He didn't say education wasn't important...
