Anti-Critical Race Theory Politician Maud Maron Explains Her Position - Tha God’s Honest Truth

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Lenard "Charlamagne" McKelvey and comedian Jordan Carlos talk to NYC City Council hopeful Maud Maron about Critical Race Theory and why they believe she is wrong about its effects on school-age children.

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Jordan you killed it and Leonard(C-god) killed it for putting this together. Also respect to the woman who came to the show who probably knew she would get killed. It takes courage to do that and talk about what you believe. I hope she grew from this experience has a better perspective of the world we live in.


This woman has some balls for going on the show. She's trying to be so careful with the words she chooses you can tell she she catches herself.


I'm a Black woman, and I was actually very curious to hear more about what the arguments against CRT are, specifically, and what problems the critics perceive, and whether there's any merit. But this woman wasn't allowed to actually finish a thought or point sooo...yeah 🙄


I'm black and loved this open conversation, and appreciate the courage of Maud Maron to be on a show with most likely a black audience, black host, and sitting with another black guest and speak on the unpopular side of the debate. We need more of this to understand each other. Great points from both her and Jordan Carlos!!


The United Daughters of the Confederacy shaped education in the South to present the Confederates as heroes. That’s the reason people still fly the flag today in 2021 as “southern pride”. Sure it’s been a min since that time period but to act like we still aren’t affected by the past is just ignorant at this point. That’s just one example I’m sure y’all can think of thousands. Thanks Charlemagne for having these tough conversations. Peace and Blessings to everyone


I saw a documentary on PBS, One of the points of the documentary was that black soldiers were hung in their uniform after returning from World War II. Black soldiers weren't allowed to eat in the same restaurants that German prisoners of war ate at. So is that CRT or the truth?


I'm glad this was a constructive conversation. Thank you to all involved


It sounds like she agrees in the truth, but disagrees in how she's seen it implemented. That's her experience. I think the truth should be taught as truth without the intent on making anyone feel bad. At the end of the day allow the audience to simply react to facts. Teachers go through professional development all the time and part of it is teaching the truth in a non bias manner. Just ensure that's happening and we are good to go. Awesome conversation. Jordan did a phenomenal job at delivering the facts and directing her to speak on them instead of changing the subject. She did a great job at sharing that she agrees with the facts, although tough, but wants to see them taught without MAKING white kids feel bad. I personally don't know any teachers that make anyone feel bad. Simply allow the crowd to react to the content.


I'm bothered by the fact that she really didn't talk about CRT. CRT is about the systemic problem, not the individual. It's not being taught in K-12 schools. I feel that in order to have conversations with these BS artists, that we are allowing that point to be considered a reality. Great job by Jordan, he really had her behaving like his points were rhetorical, and since that is based on actual history, they were. It's exhausting engaging with people in denial of reality.


She made zero substantial arguments as to why we shouldn’t teach Critical Race Theory in K-12 public schools


I was NOT taught, that the “founding fathers” owned slaves 🤣 I had to learn on my OWN as I got Older.. if it wasn’t for the internet I probably STILL wouldn’t know..


The fact of the matter is that the public school system does not want to teach history from a black point of view. Period. 🤨🤷🏽‍♀️


She didn't convince me. And i walked in with an open mind - i swear. This is good, recommend Lenard continues to have opposing views on 🥳🎉


Great topic of conversation, great host, and great guests. I would love to have heard her finish all of her sentences without being cut off. Whereas I agree with Jordan’s stance, the young lady was brought on to share her opposing opinion and I’d love to hear it. Suggestion, moderate conversations such that each person is allowed to finish each thought.
C, so happy for you and I love the conversations you’re having. Keep us the great, and helpful work! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾


What’s the difference between CRT and teaching accurate history?


We def needed to hear more from Maud. Cutting her off with a point that 'certain history happened' isn't the way to change her mind or even understand a group. This could have been done much differently to allow us to walk away with more. Thank you for sharing.


They need to do an hour long segment for this topic


I loved this segment, it deserves 10Hrs + worth of footage and discussion.


Anti CRT is about emotions. Anti CRT are not refuting the truth its literally about how they feel


One thing about CRT from both the RIGHT and LEFT perspective is that it seems curiously hard to define WHEN CRT should be implemented in the classroom. If you do it too early, say K-5, the depth of the conversation will be lost, confusing or traumatic to younger minds. But…. 6-12 grade might be where these conversations need to start happening. What colonialism did to an entire swath of Native Americans and Blacks human trafficked (from a completely different continent against their will) is important to discuss and shouldn’t be minimized to make whites feel better, BUT…. I don’t want my sons in 2nd grade talking about it. It’s something that needs to be addressed when they have the cognitive presence of mind to understand how it happened, why it happened, it’s past and present impacts and how we can shape the future with that knowledge. So of course introducing hardcore racial topics to grade schoolers might be a bridge too far but introducing it in middle school and expounding upon it high school should be a requisite for history classes. Beyond critical race theory American children should be learning a second language before 8th grade. We give them 3-4 years to learn one in high school when they could start in grade school and be conversational before high school. Introducing lesson plans that include tax law, the finances of owning a home, not just compound interest but the secondary expenses such as insurance, PMI, property taxes, home value over time, the cost of higher education, etc. these are all topics that could be taught in tandem with CRT. American children are woefully behind in so many ways, people are getting jammed up on racism being taught in class but won’t acknowledge we aren’t pushing the importance of a better, more robust educational system that prepares American youth for the challenges the world will present to them, be it racial, financial or otherwise
