I'm Pissed Off.

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More Destiny 2 News / Bungie News. We're getting more and more info as to why Pete Parsons & the Bungie Higher-ups have fired so many employees, and it's not good. Missed Revenue targets by 45% and not enough pre-ordering the Final Shape? This is just a massive garbage storm, and the gaming industry is in BAD shape. Are people even excited for Marathon 2023? With all these Bungie Layoffs and the Final Shape DELAYED, the TWAB tomorrow is gonna be really interesting.
Shoutout to the LONG-BARREL Patreons, of which there is only TWO: MELANIE & HALLANDREN!!!



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TWID tomorrow gonna be interesting for sure. Guest column by PP about an Eververse sale, I'm sure


Mike Salvatori and Mick Gordon need to team up to create the most epic game music ever since they've both been screwed over by game conpanies


Lorraine McLee and Michael Salvatorri being laid off is insanity. They were LITERALLY fundamental for Bungie getting to where they were now and they've been laid off. Bungie is trying to jump off a skyscraper with no parachute


The worst thing about this is that there basically isn't a community team to collect this feedback and pass it on to management. We're basically at a town hall meeting with city council not present now.


I'm mad and heartbroken after all of this. I'm blown away especially about the news about Salvatori because he's been working at Bungie for 26 years and they wouldn't even give him the courtesy of an advanced notice. He gave such a huge chunk of his life to the company.


I want to correct something minor that I keep hearing people say: this isn't a 45% dip, it's 45% off projection. They could be making the same amount of money they made last year but if they thought LF was going to pop off and it instead just kept everything stable-ish then that's where the gap is.

Otherwise, great vid. ❤


Having been a part of a few layoffs where I was given the opportunity to keep my job, I can tell you I instantly started interviewing elsewhere. Trust is gone, your friends are gone, and you have to work twice as hard for half the results.

Also, ‘Survivor’s guilt’ (7:31) is a very real thing in these situations and Bungie is going to lose a lot more talent than they have already.


I've got an acquaintance who works at Bungo and the feeling on the inside is exactly what you imagine it is right now; lots of hurt and outrage. We spent all night last night talking and trying to keep them from focusing on it. Be there for your friends when you can.

And **IF** Bungie recovers from this and opens its doors to new hires, how many talented people are going to look at what just happened and opt to go somewhere else because they can't trust Bungie to not do the same thing again?


As someone who also got laid off a week ago from a job I really liked, and who's got over 2500 hours in the game from the past six years, I feel absolutely gutted for every single Bungie employee who's probably now going throught the same mental punch to the face for being fired from one moment to the next. 
Especially waking up to such a short notice or not even being told in person that you just lost your job you love and the people, colleagues or maybe even friends you had there without a real chance to say goodbye is the worst feeling ever. 
Like someone ripped the floor out from underneath you and you're left with nothing but a void. The actual realization kicks in perhaps a day later and even then it rips out your heart. 
I can't even tell how pissed off I am that a studio like Bungie does shit like this and then goes "We've kept all the right people" - Sure, if you DGAF about anyone and want to ruin your reputation in the industry, go right ahead!
Much love to everyone in this situation right now and I hope that they all find something better as fast as possible!


The first time I heard deep stone lullaby, my heart was touched in a way I haven't felt since partoling the cosmadron in d1 back before I even knew what an exotic was. To all the staff that lost their jobs, I just want to thank you for everything you've done to help make these games. Destiny has gotten me through some of the toughest times in my life.


I feel like the worst part is that the developers really were listening to us as a community.


As a tech worker whos company went through layoffs last year, this scenario is sadly pretty standard layoff procedure. Spontaneous meeting, people getting let go on the spot without any prior notice, all accounts being deactivated immediately. This is just a company cutting fat due to missed revenue goals; which is most tech companies the past few years. Leadership will remain while the standard employee gets the boot


Michael Salvatori being laid off is a surefire sign that this is the beginning of the end.


Finding out Michael Salvatori was one of the people laid off was what tipped me into pissed off territory. Come on, man, Destiny’s music has always been a big part of its heart. It might be the thing I’ve missed the most while taking some time away from the game. I was hoping time off would put me in the mindset that I could finish out the franchise with Final Shape, get some closure, and move on. But honestly, this is leaving such a bad taste in my mouth that I don’t think I have it in me to buy Final Shape.


Execs: We are paid the most because we’re responsible if the company does bad

*company does bad*

“Welp guess its time to lay off all the employees who have no decision making power


Remembrance always gives me chills all over my body. How could they let such amazing people go and instead shoulder this financial loss and actually start making the content some of us are still paying for better to get more people in.


I have a good friend who is a Recruiter at a triple-A game studio. He's having his team reach out to all the Bungie folks who have been impacted. Unfortunately, however, they're also going to reach out to employees who are still at Bungie; and try to take advantage of the negative sentiment at the studio. Honestly, I don't blame them. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Smh.


I think this is not being mentioned: if game developers find a leadership (Bungie) telling you not to overdeliver, beware of them. This situation is precisely why its important to do your best. In no industry does leadership take responsibility, its always passed down to the ranks who have no say in decision making.


Said it before and I’ll say it again:
Bungie has been waving red flags since Shadowkeep dropped and they’ve been getting bigger and more numerous at an exponential rate

At this point, I don’t think Sony is to blame here because of that


The only thing keeping me playing is finally seeing the story be completed, it was so close. A delay is pretty bad, and I can watch videos and read the story for free.
