Think Before You Speak; The Monster Study: Jocko Underground 026

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The Monster Study.

SF Guys in a fight. How do they handle themselves?

Pursuing Jiu Jitsu. Compete? or not?

My boss was caught scamming customers.

Communications in the apocalypse.

Managing life when you have an unexpected addition to the family.
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My dad stuttered all his life. When he was in his 20s he realized that his stuttering made other people more uncomfortable than him, so he started poking fun at himself (ala Lighten up Francis). This actually decreased his stuttering exponentially. When I was 2 or 3 years old, I started showing signs of stuttering. My dad knew that focusing on it might make it worse, so they TOTALLY ignored it. I have absolutely no signs of stuttering today, In fact, I had no idea that any of this transpired until my mom told me, and I was in my mid-30s!


My parents, peers, and teachers always told me I was really smart. So I believed it. Anyways later in life it caught up to me because I had no discipline. I was always like "I'm smart I don't need to study." "I'm smart I don't need to do homework, I'll just ace the tests."

I didn't realize that all of this was destroying my discipline, and my ability to grind through hard, boring, things.


Telling a child they're doomed to be a certain way is the surest way to make it happen. Hearing about this study turns my stomach.


As an older guy who has raised many dogs it takes like 100 times positive talks for every 1 negative. Dogs and people are not that different. Having worked in corp environment for 25 years it is amazing how positive speech inspires and negative speech just destroys the desired result.


This is proof that the power of suggestion is so critical to a person's mental stability.


Awesome insight as always. I can't help but think about Goggins and how his upbringing did such harm to him in his early life but ultimately made him into the no excuses no blame placing person he is today. He has a new book out, can we please try and get him on the podcast, it would be the most awesome thing ever. Jocko and Goggins have influenced my life for the better and have helped me be accountable. I was an alcoholic headed nowhere, but now I've been sober for two years and have many positive things in the works, thanks to the wisdom I have picked up from you both. It would be amazing to see you guys bounce ideas off each other.


I had a speech impediment as a kid. My family made fun of me for it. Now I am an introvert and can’t stand to converse. I get nervous if it’s anybody outside my immediate family, shake and start to sweat. Love it.


Perfect example of speak life. My wife got very sick and got mentally affected by the negative speech received from her parents. I cut that shit out. Spoke life over her and now she has no fear and is a big time go getter take care of business type of person. I put her in charge of one of our businesses and she’s doing awesome since 2019.


Growing up with high-functioning Autism, I wasn't always the most confident person. But I was an articulate kid, assertive, and had a good sense of self-worth. High school changed all of that. Not only was I bullied frequently for my disorder, but many of the teachers - and even the principal - flat-out ignored it, even when it was happening right in front of them. I was even sucker-punched in one classroom and nobody would touch the kid who did it to me. To top it off, they sent me to a guidance counselor who actually tried to make me dumb myself down because they thought that was the issue. I went on to better schools after I graduated, but the damage was - and to a certain degree, still is - done.

I'm 35 now, and these last few years I have been on a steady upward trajectory in life. But I can't help but feel that I could have gotten to where I am sooner in life had more people over there actually stood up for me instead of against me.


This is a good example on why gaslighting and narcissistic abuse is so evil


I was run through a gauntlet of meds as a kid…. To fix ADHD, came out with an affinity for stimulants… and still had “ADHD” I am a Musician, a Builder, a fighter, and I have a beautiful woman, the bottom line is you have to play the cards you got, and struggle to push and grow, now I am off of all meds and I know that if I’m resting on my default behaviors and lacking discipline, it will result in me being scattered, if I work hard, set up healthy boundaries and get physically active I fix the “ADHD” it’s amazing what free will can do


In the eighth grade I started wrestling at 175lb and there wasn’t anyone in my weight class in my age bracket. So my father okayed me to be bumped up to the open/college bracket where I got destroyed, but the feedback from my father was always positive after a hard lose.


I was once told a good leader is respected and elevates his men and women.
A feared leader is actually secretly hated.
I remember a podcast you put out, when some personnel died under friendly fire.
You said you entered debriefing with superiors.
You accepted responsibility, and drafted a plan to keep such an event from happening again.
Next, all of your men had so much respect, they didn’t say silent, try to throw you under the bus, on the contrary, they ALL took responsibility with you.
Clearly, these men have respect as opposed to fear.
Leadership skills pay off.


I was raised by parents who tried to convince me I was crazy because that way they could use my name to claim extra money from the government. Been 20 years and I still feel like I come across as crazy, because of how my parents would react to me, even after a thousand different people have told me I'm one of the most well rounded people they know.


*Jocko Willink is the Reluctant Leader we need.*
know you've done enough, but your Nation needs you.

🇺🇸 *2024* 🦅


This is good to hear. I'm an old Crone and we were taught that "words have power" that's why it's called "Spelling". What you say carries alot of POWER. Use that weapon Wisely. And if you don't, get ready for that "blast of shit", when it blows up in your face. 😊


“Thoughtless speech is like the stabs of a sword, but the tongue of the wise is a healing”


Your show is something I was looking for


I emailed my new CFO and told him he had so many uhms in his delivery that I couldn’t make it through his video. Told him he should watch his own video and practice silent pauses in the place for his uhms. He thanked me for the feedback and has done much better.


Imagine your childhood now imagine being a little person again .hearing this is sad but I've seen parents or teachers break down kids to the point they were silent or scared .we should look at each other as teachers and students.if your a teacher be a good teacher if your a student be a good student.
