Jephthah's Daughter

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#Judges11 #JephthahsDaughter #DaughterofJephthah #WomenoftheBible

One of the slowly dawning realizations I’ve had, reading the Bible, is about the celebration of powerful women in the Book of the Judges. There are some famous women—Delilah, Deborah and Jael all immediately come to mind—but there are also not-as-famous women whose stories are worth reading and retelling.

On of those women is Jephthah’s daughter, and hers is a fascinating story, well worth the read, in the Book of Judges chapter 11.

Jephthah’s daughter has unsettled theologians and scholars for thousands of years.

How could God sanction, let alone inspire, a vow that could seemingly only be fulfilled by child sacrifice? By literally putting the knife to a human being, and shedding their blood on the altar of a vow made to God? Yet that is how the narrative seems to be written in Judges 11.

Or is it possible that God provided another way, just as the Lord provided for Abraham when he climbed Mount Moriah with his son Isaac to offer a similar sacrifice?

We’ll learn about her family background, the events leading up to her father’s vow, and what that would ultimately mean for the course of her life.

I Jephthah’s Background, Judges 11:1-3

II Jephthah’s Bargains, Judges 11:4-33

III Jephthah’s Daughter Beatified, Judges 11:34-40

IV Jephthah’s Daughter’s Blessing

Each video is designed to offer background scholarship on the topic, including setting, culture, original language, and archaeology, as well as a theological study.

The "Broken, Searching, Trusted, Powerful" series is a companion to the book, available on Amazon, and published by Wipf and Stock.
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Numbers 8:11-16 Clearly demonstrates and supports the fact that she went to work in the temple.


This is one of my favorite story in the bible ❤ ♥it brings me tears every time I read the story!!!I shared the story with my daughters!!they love the story!! THANKS for sharing this is a great video!!!!


I’m sooo relieved to have found this. I was disturbed as to how many took the interpretation of an actual human sacrifice And therefore called Yahweh a horrible God. 😞. Thank you for the thoroughly described study! God bless


I am in total agreement with this teaching. God does not contradict His character because He cannot. I have read this story many, many times. The first time I read it, of course, it troubled because after reading God's standards regarding human sacrifice, I couldn't believe that He would then move someone to sacrifice a child. But I held onto the belief that the Word of God is true and He would give revelation as I continued to seek Him. I started to understand the history differently, and this teaching confirmed my understanding of the history. Thank You, Jesus. God does not want His children wandering in darkness . He will give us what we need at the appointed time because He is faithful.


Even before Jephthah made his vow God already knows this and God is against human sacrifices for God gives love, justice, & compassion. The scenario could be the same as Abraham sacrifice of Isaac and God is very pleased to those who followed Him.
The Bible simply put a question mark to what could have happened and let us decide what could it be. If you ask me, my firm belief is that God did not let Jephthah sacrifice his daughter instead his daughter is dedicated to God up to her old age, the hint on this can be red on verse 39 ''and she had no relations with a man.'' remember trust God and do not doubt his way.


Jephthah desperately went "over the top" to secure a win by that vow ...but ended up at the "bottom" - because he realized the Most High could have stopped his daughter from going to the door first.
think: if she was just given to "ascent", then why would her friends or anyone lament for that?
fact: being given to YHWH in temple service would be a good thing and a blessing to his family and her - but obviously that didn't happen.
Judges chapter 12:7 shows when HE died, so "IF" she didn't die from the sacrifice - then when did she? need to try to rewrite scripture because it feels so uncomfortable.


You tell this story as if it makes God look Holy. I left Christianity because of stories like this. It is a Parable to teach people not to make negligent oaths.

You are definitely deceived if you think you can tell this story like a children's book.


Jepthahs daughters story is so important she’s not even named. Jepthah promises god the first that greets at home as a burnt offering, the all knowing god of the Jews, who knows the past and the future, knows who would greet him at home but still accepted jepthahs only daughter as a burnt offering. Yahweh accepted a child sacrifice. Wonderful moral lesson.


God, bless you for this beautiful story also.... Of the clans and their father...Gad, Ma-nas-seh and Gilead's and his family God works in mysterious Concerning the Tribes...nevertheless....


Wonderful video, thanks! I just finished reading the account of Jephthah in the Bible and it had me a bit perturbed as always. I just finished watching a video where the person believed that Jephthah actually sacrificed his daughter as a burnt offering. I can't believe that many people really believe this. He said it was so that God would have us reflect carefully on our vows to Him. That is important, but I couldn't believe his conclusion that Jephthah would commit this barbarous affront to God and actually physically destroy his own daughter.

But you disputed this wrong view with powerful scriptural proof; examples from Hebrew scriptures of the past and then wrapping them up with confirmations from the Christian Greek Scriptures.

BTW, I never thought of what Jephthah was doing with his band of outlaws in Tob, but you filled it in nicely. It all came together logically and showed why the Ammonites were angry and why Jephthah had so much sway with the Elders of Gilead.

Thanks again.


thisi story is traguc most off the story is about him and then he makes a promise to the lord that s god gives him yhe victory he would he would offer upthe first thing that comes out of hs house as a burnt offering the lord gives him the vicroty and hs daughter comes out to greet him he gets upset that he has to offer her as a burnt offering she tellls him to keep his promse she gose off for a whike and then he offers her as a burny offferng that is sad


That was his only child so I can imagine how much he loved her. God loved his son also but he gave him up as a sacrifice for the sin of the human race. This story aligns perfectly with the new testament.

In my personal devotional this morning I read this and was fascinated by everything. God really expects for us to honor our vows whether we understand or not, that is why he says not to promise to do anything and then change your mind, because he doesn't delight in fools


Thank you for bringing the truth about the scripture of Jephthah and Jephthah's daughter. I used to ponder 🤔 about why Jephthah made that vow to the LORD whom honored the LORD more than that villagers. I read about Jabez whom the LORD honored and answered his prayers. I believe that if you make a vow to the Lord, it must be kept: and with His help 🆘, you are able to keep it because you desire to do so. I read that scripture of Jephthah in the King James Version, and I realized that Jephthah's daughter, in honor of her father's vow to the LORD, accepted her fate, and became dedicated to her LORD too It almost reminded me now of Philip's daughters who were prophetesses and committed to the Lord Jesus Christ, the Lover of their souls. Maybe 🤔, it was the same way with Jephthah's daughter. Thank you once again for an awesome and exuberant lesson about rejection, how GOD is a GOD of the turn around of one's life when depending upon Him, and commitment on both the life of Jephthah and his daughter. And the women of Israel commemorated her sacrifice of giving her life to the LORD GOD for service.


So Jephthah actually gave his daughter to serve God as a virgin. I.e as a living sacrifice not a burnt offering


This is a real bright spot for me in Judges, which is a really hard book to read with all its violence.

I still think that Jeptheh’s vow was rash but it makes a lot of sense that God would have given Jeptheh an out in order to preserve life. Jeptheh’s daughter showed amazing grace and dedication to the Lord.


"God" didn't absolve Jephthah and his daughter of his vow because Yahweh is a Demonic Alien, NOT God - actual Creator of the Universe.
Jesus never once referred to Yahweh as Abba Father. The only times Jesus alluded to Yahweh he did so disparagingly. Read Mathew 7:7-11 and Luke 11:9-13 as a prime example
