Wet earth colliery Old mine shafts, underground canals

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Aaron's next explore at an old colliery which was established in 1740 and was closed in 1928 and most was demolished, routes of underground canals can still be seen to this day, CHECK IT OUT LEAVE A COMMENT, LIKE, SHARE AND SUBSCRIBE MUCH LOVE

The big pit is the water wheel pit. The big metal beams were added later to support a steam engine. The arch behind the metalwork is the other end of the tunnel near the mock up boat. The first structure was a fan room for ventilation. There are a few shafts near the cottage, capped off with concrete. Tunnels lead in from the river bank.


Nice views buddy. Would love a kayak around there. Nice explore 👍


Another awesome video 🔥😁🔥 just caught up. I love the way you edit and the history you provide. Always a fun watch😁😁 If you ever need music for your videos and you like beats and rap I know somebody that would love to work with you and he's awesome at what he does too 😁😁
