Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled - Unstoppable Trophy / Achievement Guide (Boost Whole Lap)

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Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled - Unstoppable Trophy / Achievement Guide - Sustain your boost for a whole lap. [Silver]

By combining Power-Slide Turbo, Turbo-Pads and Turbo-Power Ups you will have to keep your exhaust on fire for a whole lap. This might be tricky but considering you want to beat Oxide Time Trials, this should come naturally at some point. The easiest track for it is Coco Park since you have a lot of space for triple-boosts and some turbo pads in between.

Most important is the Slide-Boost. You initiate a Slide-Boost by drifting (R1 + LEFT STICK) and then press L1 when you see black smoke coming from your exhaust, or when the boost bar in bottom right turns orange. You can string 3 slide-boosts together per drift, doing 3 in a row results in one big boost, which you must do repeatedly to maintain your boost. After 3 boosts, jump with R1 to initiate a new slide and you can do 3 new boosts again.

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All CTR Crash Team Racing Trophies & Achievements:

Earn all the other trophies.

Off to a Good Start
Win your first race in the Adventure Mode.

Crazier than the Ripper
Win against Ripper Roo in the Adventure Mode.

Me Fast, You Slow
Win against Papu Papu in the Adventure Mode.

Win against Komodo Joe in the Adventure Mode.

Why don't you get a job?
Win against PinStripe in the Adventure Mode.

Interstellar Challenge
Win against Nitros Oxide in the Adventure Mode.

Galaxy's Fastest
Defeat Nitros Oxide in the Adventure Mode once and for all.

Arena Explorer
Complete a Crystal Challenge in the Adventure Mode.

Spare Change
Win a CTR challenge in the Adventure Mode.

Win a Relic Race in the Adventure Mode.

Booyah, Grandma!
Win a Cup Race in the Adventure Mode.

Relic Collector
Earn all the Relics in the Adventure Mode.

Gem Collector
Earn all the Gems in the Adventure Mode.

Token Collector
Earn all the CTR Tokens in the Adventure Mode.

Photo Finish
Win a race with less than 0.3 seconds between you and the second place.

Hit two opponents with a single Bowling Bomb.

Super Boost!
Do a Super Boost.

Expert Dodger
Win a boss challenge without getting hit by any of the boss' Power-Ups.

Drift 15 Times in a row during a race.

Master Drifter
Successfully use all three Turbo Boost charges 5 times in a row during a race.

Burning Rubber!
Drift Boost a total of 500 times.

Yeeee HAW!
Complete the Adventure Mode on the Hard difficulty.

Hyper Speed
Finish first when you were last on the final lap.

Block an incoming missile with all of the following Power-Ups: Beaker, Crate, Bowling Bomb.

The New Time-Master
Beat all of Nefarious Tropy's times in Time Trial Mode.

Gasmoxian Slug
Beat all of Nitros Oxide's times in Time Trial Mode.

Win a race without using any Power-Ups.

Finish first on all tracks. (CTR & CNK)

Can't Hide From Me
Successfully land all three missiles from a Triple Missile Power-Up.

Weapon Technician
Use every Power-Up once. (Race & Battle Arena)

Dungeon Vaulter
Use the shortcut in Cortex Castle.

Arctic Hurdler
Use the shortcut in Polar Pass.

Winter Time Off-Roading
Use all of Blizzard Bluff's shortcuts in the same race.

Pyramid Parkour
Use all of Papu's Pyramid's shortcuts in the same race.

Puddle Hopper
Use the shortcut in Crash Cove.

Half-Pipe Karting
Use the shortcut in Sewer Speedway.

Let me in!
Use the shortcut in Tiger Temple.

Use the shortcut in Dragon Mines without being crushed.

I know the way!
Earn all the shortcut trophies.

Juiced Up!
Use all Juiced Up Power-Ups once. (Race & Battle Arena)

Sustain your boost for a whole lap.

The Dominator!
Win a match in every type of Battle Mode.

Get off me!
Free yourself from a TNT crate.

Directly hit an opponent with a thrown Beaker Power-Up.

That's How I Roll
Customize your ride.

Is everyone here?
Unlock all characters from the original roster.

Oh, Shiny!
Complete all Crystal Challenges. (CTR & CNK)
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that part with the tnt box gave me anxiety 😂


Pro tip do this on single race and easy. Time trial doesn't pop it


If you're having trouble getting this to pop, the best tip I can give is to always wait until you see the black smoke coming from the exhausts before pressing the boost button each time. If you press it too soon it won't count, even if you sustain a boost for the whole lap. They have to be perfect apparently.


The platinum trophy in this game is absolutely insane. Won't even try to get it.


I have been training for these trophies my whole life I beat this game probably 30 times I used to go from 0 to 100% every day still have this on ps1


I ACCIDENTALLY got this achievement by doing the infinite fire glitch (which I didn’t know about or that it existed, and yes, it was blue fire) on koala carnival on multiplayer and got it on accident


Nts 0:40
1:19 "Super Boost" trophy


Done this probably 50 times, have no idea where im losing boost and not getting credit. In video you slow down a LOT and still get it, not sure...


Thank you very much. Your video helped a ton ! I use Ami for aesthetics as she is so gorgeous !


Driving with R2 and drifting with X is much easier imo .
Driving with X for 3+ hours it kinda hurt your thumb a little.


How do you drift so straight??!! When I drift my whole cart is almost sideways and I dont understand it


I am having trouble unlocking this trophy, but from what I can tell I'm doing it perfectly


Think this trophy is bugged. I did it, My Nitro began to fade but yours did too at 1:00. So it can't have been that.


Why didn’t you make a video of you doing the juiced up in Battle Mode since you already did it in a race


it doesn't work on time trial does it... that explains a lot 😢


it doesn't work on time attack, if you were thinking about it.
i discovered it.


Is it a lap from finish line to finish line? Or is it just a lap from when you start the first boost?


When you power slide remember to do it into the green turbo to get the trophy that’s how I got mine I did it on CTR race


Don’t you have to switch from R1 to L1 to maintain the perfect speed to last longer?


Hi, for uncharted 4 if u play crushing and you enable lock on aim, do u lose the crushing trophy
