Harvesting Onions

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Ivans Garden UK
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I have just found you !!, im a new gardener out of my depth … but very keen to grow some food … !, going to binge watch !! Thanks so much for sharing your experience and knowledge! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


My onions were not very good, yours are brilliant. I didn’t realize that you shouldn’t water them when the necks have gone over. Thanks for your wise tips.😊


Harvested my onions & they're great, not big but I don't care I grew them lol, so chuffed.. had a cheese & beetroot sandwich today with my pickled beetroot bloody lovely 😊


Kind of relieved to hear and read that I'm not the only one who will be surviving on chutney over the winter. My onions are small too, most had their necks broken too early by the wind. Hey ho, that's gardening for you! ❤ from 🇮🇪


I was pleased with my onion harvest this year. Only the second year growing them, they still weren’t huge but much improvement on the first year so looking forward to getting bigger and better next year.


I got some good onions this year. The reds not as good as the white. Second flush of raspberries, so hoping to make some jam. Planning to make chutney this weekend also. I love harvest time. 😊Thank you for sharing and inspiring Ivan, even when the weather has been challenging. 🍓🥕🌶️🥬


Thanks Ivan, lovely harvest mate. Take care and all the best. Stevie


Recently pulled my spring sown container onions, they are small but suit me fine, not a lover of pickled onions though. Still have some of my over wintered onions left, will plant new sets next month. My two tumbling toms cherry tomato plants in hanging basket after a slow start are laden with fruit, now turning red and we are picking handful every day. My Alicante tomatoes in pots have been slow to turn red, interesting one plant the tomato’s are normal size and some large ones, but the other plant they are all fairly small. Will cut tops off tomorrow as now over 6ft tall and still growing. Runner beans been prolific this year after poor harvest last year, variety Firestorm.


Ivan, I have a good crop of tumbling toms but unfortunately not ripening yet. I feed them all once a week with tomerite, hoping for some warmer weather and sunshine.


Bad year for cucumbers but I headed mine start of August 7 popped up brilliant, headed my tomatoes before coming on holiday to Spain, can’t you use some of the greenage on the onions? Great for stews and mince, 😎


Could you put a purple sprouting broccoli in that cucumber pot, the trellis would be a good support.


Will you be able to reuse some of this years compost next year . …..?


nice, planting winter onions ivan ? i have 100 on the way in september which i, ll be needing as my boss is about to get me sacked for his lacking. in skills. then off to court we go with acas .


Hi Ivan, what if the tops of the onions haven't fallen over yet. Do they still need pulling. Also, should all the leaves be cut off on tomato plants.
I have topped them, but I didn't remove flowers higher up or all the foliage.
Thank you


Hi ivan, how are you, im growing broccoli and beetroot, ive only add my raised bed, broccoli grow tall big leafs but off shoots of yellows flowers, cant really spot broccoli head as yet, the stem of yellow flowers does this mean they could have bolted, and what does bolted mean ? 👍
