Productive Muslim Animation 2 - Pray Fajr On Time!

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Ever wondered if Islam taught us productivity? Ever wondered how productive our ancestors were? This website helps us explore just that. We look in the Quran, the Seerah, and the history of the Islamic civilization for snippets and lifehacks that would make our life productive! Join us, discuss with us, share this site with others, let us all work towards a productive Ummah!

Learn about productivity with ProductiveMuslim Animations!

A Tale about Productivity - It all began with Fajr...

Familiar with a day when you did not pray Fajr and nothing seemed to get done i.e non-productivity reigned the day? Well, this is one of the days for our Red Un-ProductiveMuslim. He wakes up 10 am, rushes to get anything done throughout the day, and by 12 am at night is still not done!

Then there is our Orange ProductiveMuslim. He wakes up for fajr, spends a good productive day, and gets to go to bed on time (not to mention earns a title of "The Best Employee"!).

Done the rest? Let's then watch some more animations!

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i completely agree! whenever i pray fajar the whole day goes it sets ur life routine and gives u more time


I actually started doing this and I was amazed how my days are becoming now .. just as you said much more productive cause its all about getting the blessings from god and start a new day with confidence. Thank you so much really worked :)


thank's for this video. In fact, I never understood the hidden magic in islam myself until I started reading books of Self Devlopement, meditation and Leadership. Islam had and still has many Amazing practises that sadly sadly and sadly muslims are not aware of and never respect.

In this video, I love the time management shown here. Let's Analyze it a little.
+ The Video starts with waking up at 4h30min (nearly 30min before fajr for night prayers and Fajr also). In this moment you meditate the islam way, starting your day with concentrating in calm night (no noise with focus on only prayers) and when you finish prayer you do a thank'sgiving (Thanking God for all what you have - health, family, enough money to surivive, and that you will give back to the world positive energy)

Starting a morning this way seems to be very healthy to mind ! then we see the video shows sports and breakfast at 6am. which means you have 14 hours in the day to acheive your goals and you started your day in a good mindset.

Finally the video showed the importance of sleeping early at 10pm (I recommend 9pm). to get good enough sleep.

Seriously, this routine is hard to apply (my mind is fighting it already lol). But if you check successful persons biography, you will notice they do same (instead of salat for example they meditate morning or read book morning).

I'm still amazed how islam is showing such great successful tips 14 centuries before !!! But sadly we muslims betrayed it, we didn't accomplish the great science of the golden islamic age generation started. I will give it my best in the domains I work in and God Bless us All :D !


Can you please make a video with animations on a full day of ramadhan what should we do time by time ( for a school student) because we just don't concentrate much


If you becomes productive because you pray Fajr on time, that's a bonus. I mean, , it's one of the rewards, but the true reward of praying Fajr on time is not developing productive attitude. Spiritual aspect should be emphasized. (correct me if I miss something, as someone who actually late at praying fajr sometimes)


Yayyy....when ever i see your vid, always remind me of Ramadhan....( & its soming soon). Tq :)


Yes, I always wake-up to pray fajr or 'solat subuh' every day.


▶ Productive Muslim Animation 2 - Pray Fajr On Time! - YouTube


During the winter, it is more easier waking up for fajr. During the summer, it is really difficult. Every muslim must strive to sleep right after isha so you could wake up early for fajr. Sleeping late, especially when fajr is at 2 am or 3am will not make you get up earlier for fajr. Read ayatul kursi before going to bed and have the intention in your heart to wake up for fajr. Inshalllah you will.


I love this reminder, very motivational jazakallahu khairan


Patience is beauty brothers and sisters


Love these animations wonder why they stopped


Bismillah, I have permission to include this video in my assignment, thank you 🙏


More videos please we have been waiting for a long time haven't we guys


Sebaiknya membuat animasi perbandingan antara waktu pekerja diantara karyawan, petani, pedagang dll mana pekerjaan yg lebih Islami.


0:02 This Yellow Robot Early and Red Robot Late.
Let's do this!
The Yellow Robot: 💛
💛4:30am - 💛4:35am - 💛4:40am - 💛5:00am - 💛6:00am
💛8:00am - 💛9:00am - 💛9:30am - 💛10:00am - 💛12:00pm
💛4:30pm - 💛10:00pm
The Red Robot: ❤
❤10:00am - ❤11:00am - ❤2:00pm
❤6:00pm - ❤12:00am


i stay all the night awake so that i don't oversleep fajr :P


What do you use for making animations like these, which application or website


i do everything except i cannot sleep 10:00pm-4:30 am . that's  very too little of sleep for me.  i prefer doing 9pm-5am to make it 8 hours


Mr yellow mannn.. U r great..
Very well
