Maharasyi should've been stolen, I feel.She stayed with Davon who was amazing! marcos
Maharasyi should've been stolen, I feel.She stayed with Davon who was amazing!
YESSSS DAVON. hope you guys react to Keisha Renee vs Noah Mac battle too!! tyler
YESSSS DAVON. hope you guys react to Keisha Renee vs Noah Mac battle too!!
I laughed so much with this!! 😂😂 You guys are so funny!! iara.
I laughed so much with this!! 😂😂 You guys are so funny!!
The only way I could watch this performance 😭 Zeldamarie
The only way I could watch this performance 😭
When he fell LMFBO!! I was laughing so hard! taz
When he fell LMFBO!! I was laughing so hard!
Pleaseeee react to Hannah Houston vs Maya Smith - Elastic Heart pleaseeee danielneves
Pleaseeee react to Hannah Houston vs Maya Smith - Elastic Heart pleaseeee
Bruh every time you "fallout" on screen makes me holler!! RaymondHHugh
Bruh every time you "fallout" on screen makes me holler!!
It’s the way Goofy in the back JAMMIN 🤣🤣 Killa
It’s the way Goofy in the back JAMMIN 🤣🤣
Can you guys do a reaction to The Voice Battle Round: Janice Freeman and Katrina? hasteeafnani
Can you guys do a reaction to The Voice Battle Round: Janice Freeman and Katrina?
The Voice 2017 Battle - Janice Freeman vs. Katrina Rose: "W.O.M.A.N" PLEASE REACT namvojkfr
The Voice 2017 Battle - Janice Freeman vs. Katrina Rose: "W.O.M.A.N" PLEASE REACT
Y'all are so fun😂😂 Davon is awesome lonettgib
Y'all are so fun😂😂 Davon is awesome
Love this reaction! Haha next react to Hit Me by Dirty Loops! roundhouse
Love this reaction! Haha next react to Hit Me by Dirty Loops!
React to: The Voice 2016 Knockout - Christian Cuevas: "Superstar" randy
React to: The Voice 2016 Knockout - Christian Cuevas: "Superstar"
You guys should react to the beattle of Janice and Katrina !!! The song was WOMAN. IT WAS AMAZING SarahsMartins
You guys should react to the beattle of Janice and Katrina !!! The song was WOMAN. IT WAS AMAZING
REACT TO The Voice 2017 Battle - Keisha Renee vs. Noah Mac: "I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry" namvojkfr
REACT TO The Voice 2017 Battle - Keisha Renee vs. Noah Mac: "I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry"
YOU GUYS NEED TO DO A REACTION VIDEO TO "Janice Freeman VS Katrina Rose W.O.M.A.N. The Voice Battle" !! Like now omg!! PartnersInCrime
YOU GUYS NEED TO DO A REACTION VIDEO TO "Janice Freeman VS Katrina Rose W.O.M.A.N. The Voice Battle" !! Like now omg!!
We got matching names and we both can sing😌😌😌 jutdavina
We got matching names and we both can sing😌😌😌
no need to see this season. Davon is unique! I cant see how he wont be a superstar! DjNiqueed
no need to see this season. Davon is unique! I cant see how he wont be a superstar!
Please react to The Voice battle between Eric and Ignatious, that battle was crazy good 😊😃 JevaughnCampbell
Please react to The Voice battle between Eric and Ignatious, that battle was crazy good 😊😃
Please react to Ogene. These 3 women are amazing! You won’t be disappointed. stanfordhiga
Please react to Ogene. These 3 women are amazing! You won’t be disappointed.