NOW THEY'RE FRIENDS!?🤯 - EPISODE 77 PLOT🔥 (Plot Leak) All Secrets Skibidi Toilet 77

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Official Skibidi Toilet creator: @DaFuqBoom

#ironcameraman #theagentlab #skibiditoilet
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Why are the speakers so hidden? I mean we never saw the speaker base at all neither most of the speakers when Titan speakerman got infected or injured, i mean, we did see part of the tvs base but why are the speakers so hidden? I dont need an answer, just a theory
Edit:holy shit 30 likes MOM IM FAMOUS :0
Edit 2:143 THANK YALL


Theory: Astro toilets can be mind controlled or going off a influence/forced, in episode 76 part 1 we can see a astro toilet getting stabbed by large cameraman and then we
think its dead, but why would the astro toilet hover back up after being Unconscious? maybe its being controlled by a force or someone, or just maybe the neck brace on the
astro toilet is controlling it when the astro toilet is on the vurge of dieing or is already dead, in episode 75 we can see the puppy astro toilet get seriously injured,
and was slashing at POV cameraman, and had a last stand before it ultimately died, in episode 72 we can see astro detainer getting beat up very badly, and then falls and
loses his 2 mechanic "claws", and yet still chooses to go up to g-man instead of going light speed, or even just flying away normally, why when astro toilets are heavely
damaged have a surge of the will to live, or as if someone takes control instead of the toilet itserf, and then goes to its full intent to kill whatever its after, i might
just be yapping about nonsense or the astro toilets are just beast.


Speakerman race has some lore that will reveal to us in future


EDIT : god daam I never got 71 likes
Oh no I also started a war 💀


A question for the next video?
Will I got some for you:
Will pcmen/computermen be coming??
Will we see dark speakerman's return?
Will we ever see the astro base??
How did tvmen get their technology that they have??
Will the speakermen race ever get upgrades??

That's all of the questions I have for you.
W iron cameraman. ❤


The tv man race must prove they are our allies and not ennemies


Ok a good question in my mind
Do u think the Astro juggernaut is also a dog or the mother dog of the Astro pup

Do u think that the claws on Astro juggernaut are the same as the ones we saw o the G toilet mech

Is the new large blue light cameraman plunger, if so then dark speakerman is a large red light speakerman

When kreek, steak, and boom played Roblox, boom said the will be titan in 77, so we might see g toilet is his mech with titan cameraman with titan tv man, or we will see titan speakermans new upgrades.

Finally! We know that in later episodes, the toilet and alliance will have Astro tec, do you think that after the events on episode 72 do u think titan tv man will have an Astro arm or limb, since the tv men talked about it and titan tv man


Hey iron cameraman, so worked on the new skibidi run, is there a chance you are going to also work on parts of the movie


If scientist toilet never died the Astros will stand no chance of winning


9:45 W transition and w photo I just wanna say where do those buildings from the back come from?


Theory: in episode 77 part 1. I think that There will be a fight, and G-Man will get his titan upgrade but then Astro juggernaut and mothership will teleport to G-Man but they quickly run away because of G-Man's upgrade and the next scene we'll see the fight between Titan tv man, and G-Man titan, the fight will be almost 3-4 minutes. And then the scene changes and we see that the astro toilets are using Titan cameraman. The alliance gets warned about that. Some TV mans teleport the cameraman's and speakermans to the location of Titan cameraman, They arrive at the location and Astro Duchess spawns in the location and kills some of the cameraman's and speakermans, except the POV Cameraman and records everything before dying. Astro Duchess releases some parasitic energy which Titan Cameraman gets infected. And part 1 ends there.


My theory: Before the death of the Titan Cameraman, when he showed a like, you could see a green glow on it. Perhaps it was the dafak's plan so that he would die, and G-man would save him and TV titan would team up with G-man


Iron cameraman plz answer this question
What of the saint skibidi I do or the angel skibidi is I it has red eyes as the Astros but they don't have the same technology


5 questions for next video 1:do you think titan cameraman is alive 2: when we going to see the speaker men base 3: how could you get 100 subscribers 4: what do you think about the skbidi toilet movie 5: what you think going to happen in 77 part 1


IRON CAMERAMAN: What Happened To titan cameraman😢is he Good😊Will he be repaired 🎉or Gman Will Give Him Upgrades🕸️Plzz I want to Know about UTC😢


Do you think speaker man will become the counter to Astros useing large sound waves like how scientist did to plunger cam in his glitch toilet


Iron cameraman I have a question so did secret agent kill plunger man because he knew to much? Or because he was injured to much please let me know if you know


If You Say In The Ep.70 Picture Scientist Have A Halo Like Duchess Astro So Maybe He’s Like A Prince?And If He Is A Prince Maybe Gman Is The Commander And Loyal To Prince The Most And Maybe It Isn’t Gman Who Start The Betrayal But It’s The Scientist And Gman Also Follows


In the fight of the 2 titans vs toilet science, when speaker Titan stabbed him, u can see his eye is red his real eye and we say he was a fake when we saw little version so his fake mech is related to Astro cause red eyes.(this is a theory so I’m not exact but correct me if I’m wrong)


Theory : Maybe the scientist was NOT an astro toilet, maybe in ep 60, the scientist was trying to blend in with the astros to disguise and listen to there plans.


Do you think that Titan cameraman will flee to the camera lab or speaker lab? Also do you think that if Titan speaker man was never infected or seen by the scientist that the toilets would never have made lasers? The Astros use g mods gravity gun instead of lasers like the blasters that Titan speaker man had. Sorry for another question but you know how the old infected speaker scientist was in the room with the other old camera and speakermen? Maybe that’s why the speaker race isn’t developing their technology faster
