Personal Trainer Las Vegas - Anytime Fitness Las Vegas - Las Vegas Gym

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Basic Transcription - My name is Mike Carroll. I'm a certified personal trainer at Anytime Fitness, Fort Apache, Las Vegas, Nevada. I'm 57 years old. Tomorrow morning at 7 o'clock I'm gonna attempt my seventh half marathon. The reason I mention that is 20 years ago when I was in my late thirties, I'm weighing about 300 pounds and I smoked a pack to a pack of cigarettes, half, of cigarettes a day. The idea of running around the block when I was in my late thirties was inconceivable. Finally after my wife went from 36 inches up to 46 Inches, I knew something had to give. I was fortunate enough to have family members and friends around me who could help me change my way. I had a younger brother in particular who told me that I should start taking up jogging. Now that was not something that I was really interested in at the time, but I thought I'd give it a try. I put on a weightlifting belt because my stomach was so big and tried to run around the block. And I didn't get very far but I stuck to it. And the people around me helped me to persevere, they motivated me. And slowly my weight went from 300 to 280 to 260. I haven't smoked for 20 years now and my weight is right around 200. Lost about 100 pounds. It's a quest that has totally changed my life. It hasn't just been about my clothes fitting better, or not being a smoker anymore. All my numbers when it comes to going to the doctor are right in the green. It's become my passion here at Anytime Fitness. It's, it's my honour and privilege to work with people every day that are just beginning this.
People who have the courage to come to the gym for the first time. To get on a treadmill, to talk to a personal trainer, and then turn their life around. Every single time it happens, it makes me feel really good to be a part of the process. So listen, if you think you can't do this, I was there. You can do this. I went from 300 pounds to 200 pounds. I lost a whole person. I went from being a pack and a half a day smoker to despising cigarettes. I went from having the kind of numbers that you don't wanna see when it comes to your triglycerides and cholesterol to being in the green on all those things. You can do this. Come see me, come talk to me. And together, we can change your life.

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