HOW TO CLEAN YOUR GRILL in 20 Minutes! Weber Q Monthly Maintenance and Cleaning

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If you're like me and use your gas grill two to three times a week, by the end of the month it's looking pretty greasy! But don't worry, I’m going to show you how to clean your Weber Q! It’s so easy that monthly routine cleaning and maintenance can be done in about twenty minutes! Tune in to learn how!

Cleaning procedure is the same, no matter what model of Q you have, from the Q1000, Q1200, Q2000, Q2200 or the earlier three digit models.

For deeper cleans at the beginning or end of each season, soak your grates longer and/or remove your burner tube and closely inspect and unclog the holes.

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Just found your channel.... learned how to clean my grill. after 2 years of using it LOL


I just found your channel three days ago. I've always used charcoal, but I purchased a q1200 for week night grilling. Your channel has been extremely helpful. At first I was like "this city boy isn't going to teach this Georgia boy anything new". I was wrong lol! I've already grilled/roasted pork chops, and tonight I grilled sweet and spicy chicken. Thanks for the ideas and tips.


Great presentation.
Ive had my Weber Q family for a month now. Have used it every 2nd nights since the first BBQ.
Loving it.!
Great moment letting my 13yo son do the first turn on and help me with the first cook.
Cleaned it for the first time last weekend, using your method.
Thanks mate.👍👍👌👌
Cheers from Sydnay Australia.


I use a wooden spatula to clean my grill box. Can't groove the aluminum like a metal spatula but no flexing like a plastic one You may want to think about taking the SS burner tube out first. It makes cleaning the box much easier and it allows for a good cleaning of the tube. Very easy to do. I have two burner tubes and rotate them out. I use OvenOff to clean them. For a yearly cleaning I use an electric 1200 psi water pressure cleaner. As good as new.


One thing I use is an acetylene torch tip cleaner to clean the holes on the burner tube. You can get tip cleaners at Home Depot. They come in a pack, and it costs around $8.


Thank you so much. Mine is a mess but now I know I can do it myself


Running a stiff bristle tooth brush over the burner tube openings at the end usually ensures they’re all free from debris for me. The little bristles easily poke the holes clean. Thanks for the content Jerry. New subscriber here in Australia, Jan 2022


Good video buddy, from all the way over in the uk. I will be doing this today. (Nice watch too) 😁👍🏼


Great tips. I just got a Weber q and I will be watching your channel. Thanks


Couple of tips...Since you're on the 3rd floor...Use the bath tub. I'm in a house and use my bath tub. I have a hose sprayer adapted to the shower sprayer. Also, oven cleaner is the best results for me. Very important to season the grates immediately after.


Great channel! I just found it, as I have a Q 2200 that needs some TLC. I’ll take all the tips I can get! I also live in an apartment. I’m a little bit of a novice as well( not a complete novice), so I’m looking forward to checking out your recipes and grilling techniques.


Can't believe I never thought about using a putty knife to scrape down the cooking box - so obvious! thanks!


Dumb question but do you also have to clean after every use? I've never bbqed before and looking to get the q1200 for my balcony


Great Videos Jerry ... i like the way you explain your BBQ Style ... I found your channel, because i'm interested for the Weber Q Serie ... I think, i buy soon a Q1200... Your Fast (reverse) Ribs Video is great, because the reverse thing works for steaks ... so it should works for Ribs too ... easy and delicious ... I'm not a BBQ beginner, but it's inspiring to see different sights und learn from them ... Thank You ...Greetings from Germany...


Great video - thanks! Did my first clean to only see with a disappointment that the paint on the inside of the lid came off... Not sure if this is norm??? Otherwise, the bbq is spotless!


Thanks for the video. Would you recommend oiling or seasoning the grill plate if it is not being used frequently? We have found that our grates start rusting....


Great video, very useful information for me as a brand new Q2000 owner and novice griller 👍


Just subscribed to channel, good content! For what it’s worth when I clean my Weber q I preheat on low heat for about 5 minutes then spray it down with oven cleaner. The grease rinses right off without the scrubbing. Then just run it on high for a couple of minutes.


Hi, just an opinion: in order to avoid to clean it completelly every time, is it feasible to put aluminium foil in the bottom when using the grill, in order to just remove it when the dinner is done?



I do prep work by covering the inside liberally with aluminum foil. It cuts down on cleaning DRASTICALLY. Just remove and discard. Then wipe down. Easy.
