Funny Red Dead Redemption 2 Bug

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This is a funny Red Dead Redemption 2 clip that I got the other day. I walked back to my camp and one of the guys there started hovering around. This was a hilarious red dead redemption 2 bug so I had to share it with you guys!
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Verse of the Day: “And now, O Lord, I am your servant; do as you have promised concerning me and my family. May it be a promise that will last forever.”
‭‭1 Chronicles‬ ‭17‬:‭23‬ ‭New Living Translation

This is actually a prayer that I found that I think every Christian should be saying over there life daily, especially if you are searching for what God is calling you to do in your life. It is so powerful when you begin to speak the word of God over your life and you will start to see the power of God right before your eyes. It just takes some leaning in! Have an amazing rest of your day!


I had a glitch where Javier was sitting with Mary Beth but his guitar was still playing at the table
