You’re not alone. How To Prepare for Layoffs in 2024 + Red Flags (from a Google UX designer)

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Yeah, layoffs are happening in 2024. Here are some tips on how I am preparing and you can prepare for layoffs in 2024. I will also share some red flags I've learned from my layoff experience at Wish. The opinions stated here are my own, not those of my company.

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00:00 Tech 2024
00:51 Tip 1
01:20 Red Flag 1
02:17 Tip 2
03:50 Red Flag 2
05:03 Tip 3
06:00 Tip 4
07:53 Tip 5
09:13 Tip 6
10:43 Tip 7
11:27 Tip 8

#layoffs #techlayoffs #tech #ux #uxlayoffs #laidoff #uxdesign #uxdesigner #googleuxdesigner #productdesign
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Oddly timed. I just got laid off from HP Inc, but they're kinda know for laying off folks as of late. But it's nevertheless painful. This just further encourages to not have company loyalty. It's every man for himself. I learned that you never want to be comfortable. The minute you get too comfortable, you are in trouble. Best to not stay in a company for more than 2-3 years. And always stay active like you mentioned. No industry is safe from layoffs, recessions, etc. Some departments might be better than some, but none are completely safe, and it will fluctuate. Tech used to be the 'safe' career. Not anymore. Just goes to show we should just focus on what we're really interested and be willing to work really hard at it. I think something to also keep in mind is thinking about if we ever plan on being self-employed at some point. I realize that isn't an option or desire for everyone, but there's just something very dehumanizing about the whole work culture of begging someone else to hire you. Just having that option on the side would be helpful, which goes back to also having side incomes.


I will be graduating this spring but have no idea how to prepare for this economy...


I am a director for a large company and can tell you with certainty that the layoffs are due to over hiring. I have always kept my teams lean and NEVER had to lay off, although an unpopular practice. The over hiring is due to well-spoken leaders not having the talent to streamline work efficiently and effectively.


Omg same thing that happened to you at Wish happened to me last year! Didn't act on red flags fast enough and got laid off late 2023 on my PTO lol. I resonate with you on every, single, point. Thanks for putting this out here. Solidarity with all my UX/product designers out there!


If these tech employees that got laid off, I would get a bunch of tech gurus from every level and every angle and I would start a tech learn online blog, youtube and where ever else they can. Tech jobs will come back I do believe that but when that is the issue. I think people who actually work in the field and knows the ins and outs of the tech field better then the colleges. Most people or should I say a lot of people can't afford college, and they have a degree and can't get a job it is just a waist of money and puts people in debt. If I were these laid of people I would teach online some do this some do that at a reasonable price for the classes. Not hundreds for on line class but an affordable price so anyone can join and learn. That is what I would start up doing because tech jobs I do believe will come back.


Hi, I'm Aqsa from Pakistan. I want to work at Google; it's my dream. I have one year of experience and am currently looking for an online internship or a job at Google. I would appreciate your tips


Thank you for sharing! Really anxiety ridden times :(


Always nice to listen your experience & tips with insights. Glad you shared your stories with us. Keep up the good work!


Create a solution for the masses using your talent and networking skills. I'm not sure if content creating is becoming saturated. If interested, I would like to collaborate. I am working on a solution to get doctors paid correctly, the first attempt.


Happened to me. There was no clear department plan, creation of data warehouse was halted. No news from upper management. Got laid of this Jan 2024.


Thank you for your insights. I am feeling my company is doing good


Regarding downloading your work: Isn't your work product property of the company? I have no idea what it's like in the US but I would be hella careful with this stuff, it sounds illegal and it could screw you years down the road.


there is definitely enough going on to keep us up at night
