Scrape LinkedIn Individual Profiles and Company Profiles using Scrapingdog LinkedIn Scraper API

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Hey There 👋,

I am the founder of Scrapingdog. Scrapingdog is a web scraping API that lets you extract data from any source on the internet without any hassle. 🌐

In this tutorial, I will show you how you can use scrapingdog's LinkedIn Scraper API to extract data from individual and company profiles at scale.

With a general web scraping API, I have other products in my stack, do check them out too

Happy Scraping!!🎉
Рекомендации по теме

I was recently going through the phantom buster T&C, in their terms they say that user themselves need to have the permission from linkedIn to scrape and phantom buster can't be held liable for anything.

Could you give some info on the legality of this? Is you T&C same, or are you doing something different then them ?


Are you providing people contact info, like their email and phone no.
