The Amazing World of Gumball: Baby anais Multilanguage | (23 versions)

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0:00 English
0:19 Arabic
0:39 Brazilian Portuguese
1:00 Bulgarian
1:20 Czech
1:39 Danish
1:59 European Spanish
2:19 French
2:39 German
2:58 Hindi
3:18 Hungarian
3:38 Indonesian
3:57 Italian
4:17 Korean
4:37 Latin American Spanish
4:57 Norwegian
5:16 Persian (IRIB)
5:36 Persian (Mahbang)
5:56 Polish
6:15 Romanian
6:36 Russian
6:55 Swedish
7:14 Turkish
Рекомендации по теме

0:00 - English
0:19 - Arabic
0:39 - Brazilian Portuguese
1:00 - Bulgarian
1:20 - Czech
1:39 - Danish
1:59 - European Spanish
2:19 - French
2:39 - German
2:58 - Hindi
3:18 - Hungarian
3:38 - Indonesian
3:57 - Italian
4:17 - Korean
4:37 - Latin American Spanish
4:57 - Norwegian
5:16 - Persian (IRIB)
5:36 - Persian (Mahbang)
5:56 - Polish
6:15 - Romanian
6:36 - Russian
6:55 - Swedish
7:14 - Turkish

I missed:

Japanese (Yes, it's on youtube)
Taiwanese Chinese
Korean V1


The vocal harmonies in Hindi.... 💀

Also I don't even wanna talk about Persian Mahbang


Hindi sounds cursed 😶. Darwin and Gumball sound like aliens.


6:36 Simba and Benchik when babysitting Naji


3:58 that sounded like lionfield from YouTube


English: 9/10
Arabic: 8.5/10
Brazilian Portuguese: 10/10
Bulgarian: 9/10
Czech: 8/10
Danish: 9/10
European Spanish: 8.5/10
French: 9.5/10
German: 7.5/10
Hindi: 2/10 scary af
Hungarian: 6/10
Indonesian: 6.5/10
Italian: 9/10
Korean: 10/10
Latin Spanish: 9/10
Norwegian: 4/10
Persian (Irib): 5/10
Persian (Mahbang) 3/10
Polish: 9/10
Romanian: 7/10
Russian: 10/10
Swedish: 5/10, ok at the beginning but after Gumball said she likes to eat her cookies it’s a 5/10
Turkish: 6.5/10


2:58 the amazing world of gumbal baby anais in g major 7


English - 8.5/10 ( This time I won't give 10/10 because when they sang together it sounded a bit weird to my ears )

Arabic - 8/10 ( I liked the voices, but I prefer other versions )

Brazilian Portugese - 8/10 ( Good )

Bulgarian - 9/10 ( It was fun to listen to this version )

Czech - 5/10 ( I don't need to explain why I give the Czech version such a low grade. Voices are terrible )

Danish - 8.5/10 ( Voices are really good )

European Spanish - 8/10 ( I like it but nothing else )

French - 9/10 ( Nice )

German - 8/10 (The voices sounded weird at times, but not bad )

Hindi - 5.5/10 ( I hate these voices! )

Hungarian - 7.5/10 ( Quite pretty... )

Indonesian - 6.5/10 ( It wasn't the worst version for me. The beginning sounded good, but then it only got worse. Still, pretty good for the Indonesian version)

Italian - 8/10 ( The voices are so funny! )

Korean - 9/10 ( Amazing, very good. Excellent )

Latin American Spanish - 8/10 ( Maybe the voices aren't really good, but I'm giving 8/10)

Norwegian - 6/10 ( Even worse than Indonesia 😲 Singing are terrible )

Persian Irib - 2.5/10 ( No comment )

Persian Mahbang - 1/10 ( WTF )

Polish - 9/10 ( Cool, funny version )

Romanian - 7/10 ( The voices are badly done, but it's not a very bad version)

Russian - 9/10 ( Yeah! )

Swedish - 6/10 ( Actually very similar to Norway )

Turkish - 5.5/10 ( Ahhh ... This dub is not usually good )

What's your favourite version?


Happy 6 month anniversary to this video 😊!!


"Bebe anais" sounds like spanish


Here are the lyrics of the Romanian version (ik no one asked for them but im bored so ye):

Both:Păpușa Anais, Anais păpușa vie.
Gumball:Îi place să ne mănânce prăjiturile!
Both:Păpușa Anais, Anais păpușa vie.
Darwin:Îi place să bea lapte!Uite că bea!
Both:Păpușa Anais, Anais păpușa-


Brazilan Poruguese sound like they try to fit as much words as possible

Czech sounds like they are adult

Absolutely love how Gumball said phrase about cookies in EU Spanish

In French version in said scene he sounded like actuall girl

Same with German

Hindi is simply from outher world

Hungarians sound like with addition of... Sus moans

In Italian version main song sounds a little disturbing but Darwin with milk is absolute pog

Norwegian is just broken

Persian (IRIB) sounds like they really try to annoy her

- with no comparasion to Persian (Mahbang)

Romanian is kinda cute sounding

Same with Russian

In Swedish Gumball and Darwin definitely have problem with singing in duet

Turkish is absolute gibberish


Can you do the multilaguage of Nicole on the Castle episode?


puedes hacer el de la aniquiladora incluyendo en donde dicen cortes comerciales


How my request going so far no rush just wondering


Happy 1 month anniversary to this video 😊!!


Czech gumball and Darwin the voice is grow up😅


Iată recenziile mele ale piesei, în variante străine:

1.Engleză (10/10) - original dar mai bun
2.Arabă (7/10) - decent dar bun
3.Portugheză braziliană (8/10) - n-am părere
4.Bulgară (9/10) - e la fel de bun ca originalul dar vocea lui Gumball e mai puțin profundă, dar e bună oricum
5.Cehă (4/10) - nu-mi plac vocile astea, nu sună ca un minor
6.Daneză (6/10) - foarte ciudat
7.Spaniolă europeană (8/10) - n-am părere despre acest dublaj dar e bun oricum
8.Franceză (9/10) - îmi plac vocile
9.Germană (7/10) - puțin ciudat dar în rest e bun
10.Hindi (hindusă) (3/10) - CE-S CU VOCILE ASTEA?!?
11.Maghiară (5/10) - prea ciudat
12.Indoneziană (5/10) - prost dar tot ciudat
13.Italiană (7/10) - e bun și așa chiar dacă vocile sunt mai profunde
14.Coreeană (9/10) - aproape de legendă
15.Spaniolă latino-americană (10/10) - a reușit să ajungă legendă, chiar dacă vocile sunt așa
16.Norvegiană (6/10) - aproape ciudat, dar um pic bun
17.Persană (dublajul IRIB) (1/10) - prost dublaj, mai ales sunetul de pe fundal
18.Persană (dublajul Mahbang) (-10/10) (adică nota 0) - PROST DUBLAJ, și deasemenea CE E CU DUBLAJUL ĂSTA?!?
19.Poloneză (10/10) - ăsta-i dublaj adevărat, și deasemenea o "legendă"
20.Română (7.5/10) - aproape de legendă dar nu reușește și în plus vocea lui Darwin e mai puțin profundă, din cauza pubertății actorului, dar în rest dublajul e bun, inclusiv vocea lui Darwin
21.Rusă (10/10) - hai că rușii m-au demonstrat cu dublajul lor și în plus asta da dublaj adevărat
22.Suedeză (6.5/10) - prea ciudat dar în rest e bun
23.Turcă (4.5/10) - ce dublaj ciudat


Sajid, the language in 0:40 is *European Portuguese*, not *Brazilian Portuguese* ! You see, I watched the 2 Portuguese dubs of The Amazing World of Gumball on YouTube. Turns out, Gumball's European Portuguese voice sounds higher than his Brazilian Portuguese voice.


I like how gumball in German said cakes
