Interview with Rene Almeling, author of 'GUYnecology'

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Scholar Rene Almeling joined UC Press Executive Director Tim Sullivan to discuss her book, "GUYnecology: The Missing Science of Men's Reproductive Health."

What is healthy sperm or the male biological clock? GUYnecology details why we don't talk about men's reproductive health and how this lack shapes reproductive politics today.

For more than a century, the medical profession has made enormous efforts to understand and treat women’s reproductive bodies. But only recently have researchers begun to ask basic questions about how men’s health matters for reproductive outcomes, from miscarriage to childhood illness. What explains this gap in knowledge, and what are its consequences?

Rene Almeling examines the production, circulation, and reception of biomedical knowledge about men’s reproductive health. From a failed nineteenth-century effort to launch a medical specialty called andrology to the contemporary science of paternal effects, there has been a lack of attention to the importance of men’s age, health, and exposures. Analyzing historical documents, media messages, and qualitative interviews, GUYnecology demonstrates how this non-knowledge shapes reproductive politics today.