2 Minutes with Forth

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Forth is a procedural, stack-oriented programming language and interactive environment designed by Charles H. "Chuck" Moore.

Forth combines a compiler with an integrated multitasking command shell, where the user interacts via subroutines called words. Words can be defined, tested, redefined, and debugged without recompiling or restarting the whole program. All syntactic elements, including variables and basic operators, are defined as words. A stack is used to pass parameters between words, leading to a Reverse Polish Notation style.

You may also want to watch our absolute beginners series on uBasic/4tH (a slightly different BASIC interpreter written in Forth - and yeah, it has a stack ;)

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One of the few languages that can syntactically be told to "GO FORTH AND MULTIPLY" and have it just say "ok."


You can lead a programmer to Forth, but you can't make him think.


Thanks for the video. Fell in love with Forth in the 80's, writing embedded code for factory automation machines based on 6502. Took it to PC for plant SCADA and DCS using HS/Forth. Eventually that was no longer supported and none of the new programmers I hired could get on with Forth. I had no interest in C, C+, etc., so left programming for 30 years until the advent of the RPi.


Some hate to love it, others love to hate it...


And because Forth loves integer math a two minute and thirty-three second video is called two minutes with forth.


It is not esolang, but RPN(Reverse Polish Notation - "math without parens" is more eso than lisp s-expressions, it is not as dense as APL but close ;)
But "procedural" it is not good characterization... it is rather "functional" but not pure
Fully stack oriented forces to revise or invent new algorithms for known problems but wich every one your brain is more smart and flexible,
It is ultimate Domain Specific Languge, you can build your own vocabulary on the filght in the RPL.
It was popular on small computers because it was easy to port and run on everything (low requirements).
Just like in Lisp you could start with few commands at build rest from this but without parens.


. " this language looks like an esolang."


Not appreciated enough. I could write an interpreter in less than a week using "Threaded Interpretive Languages"


This is incorrect, the original application and the REAL date it was created has been altered and changed in the past two years as well with it's programming book online. Very few know the truth about FORTHS origin and it's intended use.
