The Vinegaroon Sprays Acid to Foil Its Foes | Deep Look

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The vinegaroon – also known as a whip scorpion – looks like a Frankenstein creation of monster body parts. But unlike true scorpions, it doesn’t use venom to defend itself from predators. Instead, it aims its tail at their face and sprays a blast of acid that reeks of – you guessed it – vinegar. Only this weaponized vinegar is 16 times stronger than what’s in your salad.

DEEP LOOK is an ultra-HD (4K) short video series created by KQED San Francisco and presented by PBS Digital Studios. See the unseen at the very edge of our visible world. Explore big scientific mysteries by going incredibly small.

Distant relatives of scorpions and spiders – vinegaroons have evolved a unique form of defense. If you bother them, the worst you might experience as a large mammal with eyes, would be an irritating blast of strong vinegar-smelling acid in your face.

When under threat from predators – mostly foraging night hunters like coyotes, skunks and lizards – it will spray a solution of acetic acid from two glands just above the base of its tail. This spray is made up of about 85% acetic acid (the primary component of vinegar) and about 15% caprylic acid (another slightly unpleasant-smelling acid). It is able to aim the spray in any direction with its tail, and can shoot up to 5 times before it needs to replenish the fluids.

The tail also bristles with tiny hairs that serve to help the animal sense vibrations in the air, and pick up chemical traces of other members of the species, as well as prey.

– What’s the difference between a vinegaroon (aka whip scorpion) and a scorpion?

Although they are both arachnids, a vinegaroon is not a scorpion. Vinegaroons are sometimes referred to as whip scorpions, with a skinny whiplike tail instead of scorpions’ typical segmented tail with a stinger. Unlike true scorpions, vinegaroons don’t sting or produce venom.

– What do vinegaroons eat?

Their diets consist of a variety of small invertebrates – including millipedes, crickets, roaches, scorpions and mealworms. Vinegaroons lead solitary lives, and may even cannibalize other smaller vinegaroons.

– Where do vinegaroons live?
There are over 100 species of vinegaroons worldwide, found in tropical and subtropical areas in North America, South America, Asia and Africa. The species we feature in our episode is the Giant vinegaroon (Mastigoproctus giganteus), which lives in the southern US and Mexico. The Giant vinegaroon has recently been reclassified and subdivided further into seven separate species.

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Scorpions Are Predators With a Sensitive Side | Deep Look

Stinging Scorpion vs. Pain-Defying Mouse | Deep Look

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#vinegaroon #whipscorpion #deeplook
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Okay, seeing it carrying dirt like that... that was just adorable.


I used to catch Vinegaroons and raise them.
I fed them crickets, meal worms, cockaroaches.
I had one grow as big as my palm.
I had six in thee terrariums. Plenty of dirt, pieces of wood, even some live plants.
I had a male and female do the whoopy! I got three babies out of it.
Then we were moving, so I scooped up the Vinegaroons and turned them loose in a desert like place.


I can't get over the fact that the vinegaroon spray has its own soundeffects. LOL


I've had one of these as a pet, they're pretty chill


Yay vinegaroons! Ive kept many arthropods, and my favorite is my Vinegaroon, Apple Cider. They are fantastic little creatures. Once you get over the initial appearance, I find them kind of cute. I love their careful feeling around and lil pincers.


Could you imagine a skunk thinking “ that thing f**king stinks “, I’ll pass.


The scariest harmless little land lobster. I kind of want one for a pet.


Was not expecting the 3D animation, good work per usual!


I'm from the Philippines, and I discovered something similar to this in our home today. I was curious and ended up searching, and then I came across this video and discovered it was vinegaroon.


You guys finally did it, vinagaroons are my favorite arachnid, I've held one and i can say their pretty awsome. Also the vinegar they spray can apparently eat through chitin


I used to live in El Paso. These vinegaroons grew there too. I lived in a huge old house. We saw them outside (at night), in the garage, and yeah....occasionally they got in the house. They are pretty creepy and the big ones are really creepy. We didn't kill them, but we did catch the occasional house visitor and put them outside.


Mutant land lobster thought the same thing hahaha. At least they are harmless, they are unique creatures. Imagine it scaring off a skunk 🤣🤣🤣🤣, thanks for the content DeepLook


Finally! It was so hard to find an explanation of how it works for these little guys! Been wondering for years.


Spooky, yet simultaneously wonderful.


As a Vinegaroon owner, trust me, the smell doesn’t get old anytime soon lol


I have a pet one of these! I’ve had her for about a year and I really love her. She doesn’t do much but she sure is fun to watch. 💚


Im impressed how it is a combination of every dangerous invertebrates and still being harmless


I have seen many of these things when i was a kid and i remember being disappointed because i wanted to see scorpions.

I had no idea they were this cool tho!


I've seen some of vinegaroons in my house. The first time I see it I thought it was male cockroach, but turns out it eat cockroach. Thank you vinegaroon.


The big Vinegaroon scooping a bunch of dirt in it's arm was actually super cute
