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Get your crochet ring FREE using our Link In Bio✨
can someone please take that hair away 🥲 SheWolf.
can someone please take that hair away 🥲
I’m literally crocheting while watching this short 😂😂😂😂 Keluthepenguin
I’m literally crocheting while watching this short 😂😂😂😂
What are you doing-???? You forgot the court part☺️ IM CALLING MY LAWYER Niealolol
What are you doing-???? You forgot the court part☺️ IM CALLING MY LAWYER
This is crocheting not knitting 😂 plus did anyone see the hair piece in the yarn amutharajan
This is crocheting not knitting 😂 plus did anyone see the hair piece in the yarn
the hair is too real esp as someone with thick curly hair lmfao puppycatsupremacy
the hair is too real esp as someone with thick curly hair lmfao
Did y’all read the caption Why would the grandma teach her that?😂 ItsOpp
Did y’all read the caption Why would the grandma teach her that?😂
No she taught you to Crochet. Good Lord. SuzieCrotsley
No she taught you to Crochet. Good Lord.