thrift with me at the GOODWILL BINS!

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Goodwill Outlet Store & Donation Centre
3410 White Oak Rd
London, Ontario


* H E Y ! My name is Tasha Leelyn, I'm a Canadian lifestyle vlogger livin' in the country with my 6 Dogs! DIY, Home Decor, Thrift With Me - catch my drift? Thanks for watching! *

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Growing up the goodwill outlet was the only way for me to get “new” clothes other than back to school clothes. Seeing school mates there was embarrassing. But now kids go shopping together at the bins. Glad it’s become more accepted


Tasha, you are 1 brave lady! That place gave me Black Friday manic vibes! Full props to you for braving the Goodwill Bins so WE don’t have to! 😂❤


I kinda got anxiety just by watching this 😆


Girl you gotta dig and stay for atleast 2 hours! It’s so so fun and rewarding. Ultimate treasure hunt and so rewarding when you walk away with a huge bag of goodies for $20!


I really like our Bins. My 76 year old mom is a reseller of toys and does so well. She knows all the workers names and the other customers have always been kind. They enforce a very strict No Abuse or yelling policy. In the USA the bins can get very aggressive. Our Bins has a lot of good quality large furniture for great deals. Definitely depends on the location and workers as to how your experience is. A lot of resellers.


I’m so sad you had a bad experience! The weekends are rough and I don’t go then. They do less rotations and have less stuff (there’s a board in the back where the vending machines are) and! They go on break between 12-3pm so the bins slow down dramatically. The people aren’t cut throat on weekdays it’s a different crowd! I vote you give it one more chance :)


My 14yr old granddaughter and I went right after Christmas for the first time ever and we had so much fun and found awesome items! There were so many winter coats and jackets! I had no idea what was going on when people started lining up, it freaked us out, lol! We will go back because everyday has to be different! We got a cart load for $35 and were thrilled!


I saw your latest sewing video pop up then saw you are doing home renos too. Subscribed! I have a great little thrift in our small retirement town but bins are like 4 hours away. Actually a lot is hours away! Once the town found out I sew I get given a lot of clothing or half way made quilts etc. I tend to keep the folorn items. I wont cut a nicely made clothing item that someone can use so I donate back to the thrift.


Omg Im seeing so much I want. There were 2 pieces of that floral fabric. Pillows! Tote bags! I make jean tote bags and often use as I noted the partially made or torn table clothes to line then make a large pocket on outisde and back the jean straps with it too. But Ive made pillows from odd fabrics. To me it is insane how much people spend and give away since ive lived mostly a used life. I stopped in at dollar tree just to convince myself again I dont want anything there. Most are too far but nope, didnt buy a thing. I do sell a tiny bit now at our summer farmers market. Mostly because people kept asking me where I got my jean bags. Ive made a lot of items for gifts but to sell I have to tailor to our fishing tourist area. I also save tourist tees for our area from the thrift. That was my first thing I made no sew tote bags and donated back to thrift when I first volunteered here to get to know the people and town. Now I sew them into drawstring backpacks. I find interesting ones to make a version of a fishing jacket. I realized women here dont really carry purses but will a messenger back I make 2 from bling jeans! Also saw men and women wearing their fishing jackets as wallets or purses! So I cut out interesting graphics from the tshirts, some about the town, others just nice like peace signs. Cut sleeves off flannel shirts, use them as one outside patch pocket and hidden inside cell phone pockt with a ponytail band and button closure and sew the graphic to the back! Another big seller. I hardly charge honestly. My prices average $10 because the residents mainly work local part time retail. I also want to encourage recycle and sewing. Sorry ive been watching while typing on both your videos I watched so far. Even the small rugs can be a tote bag. The dress you said was too small you could inset material on the side. Make sleeveless then use the sleeves? I had large babies so I am often doing V inserts or a large one at back on my tops!


I loved so much stuff that you passed over! I think the bins are fun since it’s a treasure hunt


I love the bins! I used to go a lot when I was younger and a little more willing to dig. It’s definitely more cut throat type of thrifting. Now that I’m older and I am more willing to pay the premium go to second hand shops that are more curated and avoid the hassle.


you’re 100% right about needing to stay all day to find good stuff. you can definitely walk in and get lucky with a few pieces, but 9 times out of 10 im at the bins from 8 to 6 and rarely get over 20 items 😂


Hi i am new here from South Africa I love the way you put your videos together❤


the bins are not for the faint of heart, it’s sooo good for resellers and if you have the physical/mental capacity to dig for a few hours. i want to try going so badly, but mine are also super far away 😅


As an avid thrifter for most of my life, I've always been terrified of the bins, like you said about anxiety. Someday I'll brave it!


It was so crazy to realize this is the one I go to like three times a month it's close to my house I grew up going here and yes it's a fight for survival but I can save so much money


I had the SAME exact experience. The energy there is dark haha


I tried goodwill bin for the first time a couple months ago and I loved it. I landed at one by accident lol I was confused when I went in thought it was a normal goodwill. Lol 😂 but love it now.


I went to the same goodwill bins last year! and I had the exact same experience lol it was so stressful, and everyone was constantly in your face! I ended up getting a book about birds that was pretty heavy, so paying by the weight didn't work for me haha


Here in California people wear disposable gloves when they dig thru the bins, and then wash the purchases in the washing machine as soon as they get home. Hope this helps!
