Vi - 🖤

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Breathe me in.
Vi – Heart / Lyrics in CC and in the description.
#vi #dynmk

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Vi – Heart - Lyrics

I think my hearts about to explode
Too much friction makes it erode
It can't handle this heavy load
I think my hearts about to explode

When I think about you it burns inside
Why did you leave my life
Why'd it end so abrupt
All I wanted was your love

So breathe me in
I promise you
You wont regret it

Give me a chance
Get high on me
You won't believe it

So take the heart on your cheek
And give it to me
Take the heart on your cheek
And give it to me

I think that my mind melted
Cause the thought of you is too hot
I cant help it
I wish I had the guts to let you know
That you make my heart explode

When I think about you it burns inside
Why did you leave my life
Why'd it end so abrupt
All I wanted was your love

So breathe me in
I promise you
You wont regret it

Give me a chance
Get high on me
You won't believe it

So take the heart on your cheek
And give it to me
Take the heart on your cheek
And give it to me

dynmk. This is the now.

Vi – Heart
Рекомендации по теме

"All I wanted was your love" The painful thing about this line is that it's one of the rarest things a person gives just like their time. Nothing less to be expected from Vi other than hit me right in the feels💘


These glitch effect backgrounds are awesome


Listening to this while crying>>>


I just talked to Vi on instagram and she is such an angel 😭😍


People: what's your fav type of music?
Me: dynmk.


4 minutes it's like 10 years of memories from 2008 til now ( love the glitch effect on the picture )


Vi has a beautiful voice, and this song is just as beautiful too. I just wanna cry now 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖


I love Vi's vocals and she really inspires me!:)


This is so beautiful... "When i think about you it burns inside"


Still watching and forever my fav song😍😍😍


I thought nothing could beat Blackwater. I was wrong. Love you Vi


Sounds like a stream down the river and a feeling of a gentle touch between a lie and the truth


*If you like this song, you might also like:*

*→ More songs by Vi*

*→ Previously on dynmk*


Amazing voice. Love your music. Beautiful song.😊. Enough said..😃


Keep sharing songs like this 💕💕
- beautiful song 💫


Awesome as always.Thx for sharin'..


friend: what's your fav song?
me: 🖤


me version
My Meaning:
This girl has been hurt by so many people that had her trust. Now, she has to be careful, cautious, mysterious, and not trust or love anyone. But, she then meets this person who felt like home. Safe and comfortable. She was able to let down her walls so fast, she couldn't even believe it herself. She learned more and more about this person that she thought they were destined to be friends. Soon, she was battling between being with this person or just staying friends. Well, it grew into the feelings growing stronger, with that person giving mixed signals, so she put a distance between her and them. But it obviously didn't work, because they continued to grow closer and closer with every call and text. She thought that they were destined to be soulmates. Everything fit in place like a puzzle piece. They even planned a future together, "traveling the world" they said. But all that changed when she found out every group chat and discord server they were on with each other, including 2 of their friends, were deleted. Gone. She thought she did something wrong until she found out that their was another server created secretly to chat with 2 other females. One being a girl who was homophobic and disliked her for being bi. She never thought they would hurt her. But she was wrong. Ever since then, her heart has been made of stone and ice. Unable to be touched, broken, or even moved. This song is about her thoughts. About her feelings toward that person. Enjoy :)

My Title: 💔
I knew my heart was gonna shatter
All this pain makes it grow colder
yeah, I can't handle this sorrow
yeah, I knew my heart was gonna shatter
Man I trusted you, now the cuts run deep
How could you let me bleed?
Yeah, why did you turn so rough?
Did you really mean your "love"?
You broke my heart, and I promise you
You will regret it
I'll give you this chance, then turn on you
You won't believe it
Dont give me your heart cause I'll cut you deep
Yeah, dont give me your heart cause I'll watch it bleed
I think that my mind is fading
Cause the memories turn to revenge
I can't help it
And with my shattered heart, I'll let you know
That you're why my hearts so cold
Man I trusted you, now the cuts run deep
How could you let me bleed?
Yeah, why did you turn so rough?
Did you really mean your "love"?
You broke my heart, and I promise you
You'll regret it
I'll give you this chance, then turn on you
You won't believe it
Dont give me your heart cause I'll cut you deep
Yeah, dont give me your heart cause I'll watch it bleed

Man I trusted you, now the cuts run deep
How could you let me bleed?
Yeah, why did you turn so rough?
Did you really mean your "love"?
You broke my heart, and I promise you
You'll regret it
I'll give you this chance, then turn on you
You won't believe it
Dont give me your heart cause I'll cut you deep
Yeah, dont give me your heart cause I'll watch it bleed


This is too beautiful. And i think i just found perfect sample✌🏼!


My girlfriend and I broke up yesterday, this is the first time I feel so empty and lost not even work or videogames could make me forget a bit, I'm like nothing without her, but we had to, she's too busy and I became needy to her, idk guys I'm sorry I needed to share it with someone
