What is going on with AQW?

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►Pc Specs - 7800x3D , RTX 4070ti , 64gb DDR5 RAM
► Mic - Shure SM7B
► Mixer - GoXLR mini
► Headphones - Beyerdynamic DT 770

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“It’s supposed to be grindy” is one of the worst takes I’ve heard about this game and coming from an actual developer of the game feels really bad.


"It's supposed to be grindy" Well... i would argue, it's supposed to be rewarding..


No farming no life
This is really confusing, do they think farming is the main attraction in this game? if so, it's not called AQW but FQW for Farming Quest World


Aranx: "it is supposed to be grindy"

Korey: "And I took that personally." _Proceeds to destroy BS with facts and logic_


You know AQW really fell off when they say: "It's supposed to be grindy" it's supposed to be fun, Aranx.


I have a job, I dont have time anymore, i could just buy it with ac. And again, that's what they want, milking player money


They should stop doing weekly event and start doing montly.


This game isn't worth the time anymore, since most of these events are horribly aweful, but hey! atleast we can chill with friends and meme each other.


It is not supposed to feel grindy.Remember Archpaladin questline? You were going different locations and completing their storylines.Was fun and rewarding.At least it was something not mindless grindfest like this game got to be.


the days of aqw big grinds are over tbh, no one really wants to do them and those who do either are botting or assumed to be. Farms that are around 1-2 hours is perfect for something like aqw at this point and they should move in that direction. I get for us players who have done most things that seems like "less" content but is farming 0.001% merge items and 10k mobs really content? I would rather just play another game. For new players there is already a ton of content and long grinds and piling more grind check points like that just discourages them from playing IMO.


They really need to stop updates every week, and rethink about what this game needs.


I thought tedious grinds were supposed to be for decent items.


set isn't worth that much time imo



Yes, there must be some grind so the players feel a sense of progression: "our hard work pays off". But now EVEYTHING is extremely grindy, the burn out adds up.

Those birthday events should be more acessible to all players, not everyone has max level, end game classes, gold, forge enhancements and the best equipments for ultrabosses. People have families, friends, jobs, college/school, other places to attend and a whole life outside AQW.

They expect us to quit everything else to focus all of our time farming the rare items 24/7?

Its funny to see GMs say that "there's no fun if there's no insane extreme grinds" like this, but they themselves don't have to do any of these grinds. They don't know the struggle, they just instantainily spawn everything they want on their inventory.


Farming end game item has been interesting in the game but the problem is once all players got all the items and you’re were inactive for a while you’ll find bosses with 800hp with no players around for 1 week (Azalith) and ask afk players in yulgar to help you out and get ghosted hits hard 😅


"It's suppose to be grindy. There is no fun in just instantly buying something and then afking in yulgar imo" It's clear to me that Aranx hasn't played enough of the game or rather, and has not clearly played test his own boss fight at all if he thinks it is fun to grind for rare items by accumulating not only an excessive number of items, but to farm a boss with an insane amount of health. I want to see how much "fun" he'll have trying to earn this set from this boss fight like everyone else.


We need a gold cap increase to 1 billion, it doesn't even take a day of grinding to go from 0 to 100 million


That is honestly just sad by this point. Players have been complaining about the amount of grinding in this game for literal years now, and the best answer from them was... you guessed it, the "it's supposed to be grindy". No, it's not. AQW by now is practically just Fashion Quest Worlds, let's be honest. I don't care about "new" classes that do nothing other classes don't already do... just bigger and better. I don't care about the numbers, buddy. If I wanted a grindy game with good enough graphics and some mechanical skill, I'd just play Runescape or World of Warcraft. I'm not going to grind for a week just to get an armor, which, let's be fair, is just so-so.


25% to all and its costs as 40million total, imagine that.
Welp gotta get the aranx Sword it has 30% buff and Naval Armor, that has buffed too.


this is why most players used bots for farming.
