MLM TOP FAILS #27 I Stop the lies and stop using your kids for profit!

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These are my MLM Top Fails of the week. In Top Fails #27, I cover Beachbody/Bodi, Amare, Monat and Olivetree People. Let's talk about a business in a box, the beginners lie, and time freedom. Oh, and do you already know the flat stomach MLM? Well, you will be introduced in this video.
I am creating these videos for entertainment and educational purposes. Please do not contact these people.

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Let's connect:

00:00 Intro
02:10 Fail 1 Monat
09:22 Fail 2 Monat
15:14 Fail 3 Amare
18:59 Fail 4 Bodi
28:37 Fail 5 Beginners Lie
32:09 Fail 6 Business Suicide
38:38 Outro

#antimlm #bodi #beachbody #amare #olivetreepeople
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I totally agree that children can't consent to being in videos that are posted on social media, so their parents should not include them in content.


I swear these huns think working parents with “corporate” jobs lock our children in dog crates in the basement when we go to work. My son LOVED his daycare, and loved having friends around all day, because he’s an only child. This parent shaming has got to stop. They preach about supporting other women while shaming women who work outside the home to provide for their families.


You can play and camp and love your children and also not be home 24/7. I spent morning and afternoon in daycare for my first 12 years of life. It never occured to me that my mom and dad weren't around enough or didnt want to spend time with me. Children arent keeping track of the hours you spend. They just want your attention and connection while youre there


I hate how the unhappy Bodi lady can only conceive of a world in which spare time is spent, 1) strolling around Target shopping, or 2) scrolling on social media. Ma’am, read a real book (not just self-help), learn a language, take an online class, do something other than utter stay at home mom cliches.


They'll claim the happy juice does just about anything 🤦‍♂️ It's such transparent behaviour


I would have totally told mummy that I loved staying with her … but I also totally loved going to preschool. Kids that age aren’t known for their discernment lol


lol the look on her face when she sips that "happy juice" it looked hard to swallow! 🤣


MLMs really glorify staying home. I think it depends on the kid. When I was little I didn't want to be at home with my Mom bcoz I was bored and hated it. I went to daycare when I was about 3, but only for a few months, it was the best fun ever

On the other hand, I have twins and stay home. One absolutely loved daycare and one didn't, so I had one at home with me doing fun stuff and one went off having fun with other kids. These ppl don't care what's best for the kids, it's what's best for them to sell their crap


Yaaayy!! Glad to hear that your channel is growing! How exciting❤


Love your videos - great collection of fails!!


Fail #3 she means she had that fkat stomach before kids, exercised, and lost weight after kids to get the flat stomach back? It's genetics.


18:03 I haven’t heard any other amare hun ever talk about fitness benefits. They lean on “the mental wellness company”. This flex isn’t even consistent.


I know this is a month old video, but I wonder if those Australian huns have an ABN, Australian Business Number, which are needed to run a business. I dont think they are withholding taxes and GST either. Not that they will be getting enough profit to even do GST.
