Im guilty of liquid calories for sure and I've been trying to cut back however with my line of work it is difficult since so many drink options are available at my finger tips lol
When he said it’s good for your skin, I was like, “Ahh, that explains it"!
Absolutely gorgeous man...and that buttery smooth😍😍
I stopped drinking soda changed my eating habits and started walking. I'm embarrassed to say but I've lost 220lbs over the past 4 years. I've drunk a lot of water.
….and add on that its a natural detox/cleanser. Rosemary and mint, the more herbs the better! 😃💝
You look fab buddy ❤❤❤ love with your nose pin 😮
I've tried & tried with the mint. My palate rejects it. 🍋 😊
OK, I say this as a compliment, but you look like the little brother of Phil Willis from Bar rescue handsome, professional, and amazingly efficient at what you do!
Okay.. i just got pregnant listening to your voice. 😅😅
But lemon is acidic and acids r actually what cause tooth decay, sugar is just food/fuel for the bacteria and they poop out more acids after eating sugar. I try to stay away from citruses now after learning that. But I’ll try water with the mint and cucumber!
Whatever kills me faster is the food or drink I choose
Do you think that the zero sugar, zero calories sodas really don’t contain sugar. Are they really a better option?