What To Do When You Think You've Lost All Your Progress As A Trader

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This is one of the most important videos I've ever made, because this is what creates REAL results and longevity - the dirty work. Set backs are apart of being a trader, having a plan and bouncing back from them is how you will see success. It's all the mindset!

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I was an athlete in highschool football & track. Better than most because i always put in more work than the rest. Even though that was years ago i find it hard making a transition to realizing there’s hard work in patience. Before, hard work was always associated with physical exertion but now with trading, hard work also comes with the patience i have for quality setups, patience to not take positions during choppy price action, patience when i have to show up to a job i hate and trust the process.


I would say having patience is the most difficult part about trading. You need to be patient and WAIT for your set ups to occur and not blindly enter a trade. Because you have something in front of you that is constantly moving like price action, you think you have to take action or you'll miss on a price move. That's where most people fail. They think they need to always be DOING something, instead of being patient and only entering a trade when it makes sense to.

We have been conditioned to ALWAYS be working, ALWAYS taking action, ALWAYS being busy. Trading is the complete opposite of that because it's not the place to ALWAYS take action. We need to be patient and let the opportunity come to US. Don't try to CREATE opportunities because that is simply impossible.


Brother that’s the video what I needed literally right now, thanks a lot and keep up the good work


If you’ve lost all of your progress as a trader then you should consider taking less trades, it will be way more effective because it is less likely for you to make mistakes and your concentrations are relatively high


needed this dawg, I just secured my first 3 back to back to back payouts, hit the highest of highs last month. Thought that I arrived, but this last week i blew all the fundeds, and blew through all my evals. I'm back to square one now. Its sobering.


one thing justin has said that really stuck out to me is to not base your green and red days on how much money you make or lose, base it on the decisions you made that day. did you follow your rules, were you patient, were you disciplined etc. no matter the outcome of the day aslong as you made the right decisions that day it should be considered a green day.


Justin seriously I love the way you talk and explain. Easy, clear, hepful and always on point. You need to seriously consider write a book about the psychology of trading, because there are so much insights and gems in every video that it would simply perfect.


Took one of my biggest losses today. Working on understanding & controlling my emotions.
Nice to have a video like this come through to remind me to zoom out on the career. Thanks homie


Love my losing streaks, it tests my discipline to not have a melt down. If you can survive a losing streak then you are a much stronger trader than you think.


Didn’t skip a single seconds nothing but pure relatable information


Justin Is honestly The Best Guy in The industry 100&. My Guy giving out Priceless, and an Immeasurable amount of Just knowldegde. This shit aint even information. This is Experience, Wisdom, And Knowledge all talking in one video. Love this shit man, so MANY people need to hear this and Keep that Image in their Head.


What a blessing to have mentors like Werlein


Today was a really really tough day for me in the markets and this video help me feel better than I have felt in a long time about my progress as aa trader and even my personal development as a trader. Thank you so much for taking the time to be transparent and share the reality of what to expect as traders


Underrated content. 10/10 brah. This is gold.


the way he tell his mindset, is perfect


Wise words, thank you, Justin. My actual misbehaviour is constantly getting into fake outbreaks. I do it since two weaks. It always makes me feel so stupid, like five times a day and each costs 20$.


Really needed this. Took my biggest loss last week and have been in a funk ever since. Not taking a break, being emotional. Felt like you were speaking directly to me 😅. Appreciate your videos and philosophies so much, definitely the best videos being made in the space right now. Going to step off the charts for the remainder of the week… and continue reading change your thoughts, change your life. 🙏🏻


i think like youre reading my mind tnx mate for the advice


How did you know I just wiped out my previous week of gains? 😂


Gratitude for this vid ...I need this today. I took a step back, and I'm so disappointed and discouraged with myself
