When You Don't Feel Like It

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Sometimes we have to do stuff when we don’t feel like it, but finding the motivation to do those things is really difficult in the moment. That’s when it’s important to keep in mind that motivation is not about just feeling good about doing something. It’s about having a motive. If something is the right thing to do, it doesn’t matter if I feel like doing it or not, Fr. Mike says. The only motivation you need is the motivation to do the right thing.

Fr. Mike’s friend Dean once told him this, “Emotions do not reveal the truth about reality, but they do reveal the conditions of your heart.”

St. Ignatius of Loyola encouraged his followers to pay attention to their heart, because it’s revealing something very important that needs to be taken into account. Nonetheless, regardless of what your heart is telling you, the question to ask yourself is not “do I feel like doing this right now?” Rather, ask yourself, “Is this the right thing to do.”



Just wanna thank all y'all who prayed for me. I finally got a job!!! The prayers of the righteous... Thank Jesus, too. God bless y'all.


"Emotions do not reveal the truth about reality, but they do reveal the condition of your heart."
~Dean 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Hitting us with those hard truths leading up to finals, nice


I really needed this today. I'm going to confession for the first time in years tonight, and I've been really doubting whether i wanted to or not. Much love, God bless.


Father Mike please pray for me that I would have energy and motivation to be a better teacher for my students and take better care of my health. Thank you.


I have really been "not feeling like it" for a long time, and I am holding on to my sins of selfishness, pride, and sloth. It's all come to a head during this week, finals week. And your video is the umpteenth reminder God has sent me in the past couple weeks that I cannot do this on my own, that it doesn't matter how I feel, He will provide, if only I would submit my will, ask for His grace, and work together with Him.
Thank you, Fr. Mike.


Long ago among Protestants, I learned that if our life is like a train, emotions can be the caboose while the mind is the engine up front. I've found that's the best way to live: do what you should and the emotions will always follow.


This this past months upto now. I struggle to connect with God. Every time I wanted to pray, Laziness strikes me. Its like my body and my will is contradicting each other. I care about my soul, and also for my body. I wanted to go back to my old self. The one that focuses more on God and the life of prayers. Letting God in my life and putting my trust in Him just like the Blessed Mother said yes to God. I wanted to become a Saint, I also wanted to enlighten others. But procrastination, anger, greed, lust, envy, etc. Is one of my biggest enemy. Please pray for me so that I may help others in return. Thank you so much for everything. I love you all. Have a blessed Sunday.


Came to YouTube for a break from writing my final papers and this is the first video I click on. Thanks Fr. Mike! Really needed this! Now back to those papers...


"Prayer does not help your relationship with God, Prayer is your relationship with God!" Lol! so good!!


Pray for me? Ive struggled with this my whole life. Not about prayer but about important things in general.


Fr.Mike! I wanna say to you that i really do thank you a lot. I was born in protestant family, and have lived in that way. But for couples of years i'd recognized myself as an atheist, and it actually broke my whole worldview about humanity morality love and so on. Now I confess, those experiences really broke my soul. But few months ago I found the lectures of christian apologetics and that woke me up. And after reading and reading, and searching eagerly for the meaning of chriatianity now I finally got to embrace Jesus Christ. And with your help, I have become to understand Catholic and my mind is now moving toward Catholic. You really helped me, and I really am thank you! I am from south korea and I know my english is so bad, so.. If it was not a good writing i am sorry.. I just wanted to say to you that your work inspires someone and keep him toward Jesus Christ!


I have not "felt like" doing a lot lately. I haven't been to confession or mass in months. I was an atheist for 12 years, and then I (after some great hardship that I'm sure is not unlike those that bring one to God with a crumbled heart) went to RCIA and received the sacrament of confirmation. I was so enthusiastic and then it became difficult, so I was taken aback. I questioned everything I did, and I think in my head, I've been waiting until I was "good" again to go back. I've not stopped praying or believing, but sometimes it has felt that way. I've been trying to become full by starving myself fr the graces of the body of Christ- his Church. This video hit on so many things stirring in my heart, and I am so glad because I watched it after journaling in my Rejoice: Advent meditations with Joseph journal, and God made the timing right even though I have been so self-reliant, stubborn, unsure, and ashamed. Despite that, all I feel now is his truth and peace. Thank you, Fr. Mike and Ascension presents for putting out these videos. The church nourishes us even through YouTube. 😊 I'll can take a hint from the Holy Spirit that I will not be hurt by returning to God's mercy. ♥️


Very applicable to me with finals starting in a day!


Lord King Jesus Christ of Blessed Holy Mary please come into my heart Alleilua


Thanks be to God for our priests speaking out words of wisdom in this chaotic world we live in! Praying for more people to be drawn to the Truth of Jesus Christ! We are all born to work hard for a living to provide shelter, food for ourselves and for our families. Its hard work to go to work every day and to work in our own homes, but we have to do it. If we slip up, we suffer the consequences later! Every avenue of life needs hard work, starting with our relationship with God, then with our closest family members.


I didn’t feel like watching this video, but I’m glad I did


Father this is kinda helps me to see more of what is meant by overcoming self💜🕊


I needed to hear this video. I 100% can relate to this on a few levels. My prayer life being one. And you're totally right it's me using my emotions as an excuse. It is very convicting.


Father.. I watched this video on wednesday... You won't believe how clean my room has been after that 😝 my bed is done.. My laundry is done, in its place... I went to confession, Ive prayed a rosary today (I never do this, now i did it all at once) all because i don't have an excuse any more..Thankyou.. I feel like i should start going to daily mass more often now.. Since i have no excuse not to go.. I know i sound crazy.. But this helps me in so many ways

Keep praying and trusting God.. Hes using u, and tiny things are making a big difference in peoples lives.
