The Stormlight Archive is Sanderson's BEST Series! #brandonsanderson #stormlightarchive #books

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The duel with adolin renarin and kaladin against sadeas’ men in WoR is one of the best fight scenes ever


I’ve only read the first two so far but Stormlight is one of the only book series that has made me need to put down a book, stand up, and go LETS FUCKING The duel scene in book 2 was incredible


The tidbits at the start of every chapter are amazing, and when they click into place the world suddenly opens up to you and it's genuinely beautiful.


“Force you to put down the book to process just how epic that was”. Genuinely, have had this happen multiple times. The Sanderlanche is real and it will make you pace round your room in response to words on a page.


Just finished #3 last week and started #4. Favorite books ever. I like the in between projects as well but I’ve never felt the need to finish a series like I do with Stormlight. Brandon is a genius in my book


I know you love Stormlight! Wait to you read secret project #4. All I will say is investiture is mentioned over 100 times. Fantastic setting, magic system, characters, and much Cosmere and surprises. Enjoy! Love the channel.


I love this series. Rhythm of War was the first time I WASN’T completely blown away by Sanderson… but still a solid entry in an amazing series, and I have high hopes for book 5!


To me they are the absolute best characters and the reason I read the rest of the Cosmere


Im about half way through Rhythm Of War, and well into the Cosmere as a whole....Stormlight is by far my favorite fantasy series....hard to take that tittle from Wheel of Time but this series is just If you like fantasy and you haven't begun the journey of Stormlight...well take the first step...Journey before destination...


The best scene was Szeth's massacre of Taravangian's men. It was a poetic masterpiece of death, and he threw aside the Blade, because a BLADE would HOLD HIM BACK. Taravangian's soulcaster who held the oathstone was not kidding when he called Szeth a godly work of art.


Dude when I listened to the audio books for the first time there were parts where I had to stand up and jeer cheer and scream. No book has ever made me do such things before or since. So hype


Appreciate the dive into more Japanese music. Didn't know They've been around since 2001, as far as I know they are still active and playing.

Interesting selection...gIven its from 2001 the audio is pretty good, but I'm not a fan of festival recordings.


Weird to me how much hate rhythm of war gets. It's easily my favorite out of the books. Amazing action, incredible twist, spectacular character development, heartbreaking moments, triumphant epic moments that just fill you with hype.

For me personally, Oathbringer was easily the weakest. It had arguably the best moment in the entire series but the middle portion of the book is such a drag. While Oathbringer was Dalinar at his best to me it is also is inarguably Shallan and Kaladin at their worst. The only reason I could really see people having Oathbringer as their favorite is if they are massive Dalinar fans and for them that makes up for the lack of anything interesting for the other characters.

But that's just my opinion


It's the only series that beats out kingkiller on my list


Does anyone have thoughts on potentially casting Mackenyu Arata for Kaladin Stormblessed?


I love the first two in the series. Three and four...not as much. I hope the fifth fixes the last two.


Stormlight is great but Mistborn will always be the GOAT for me. Words of Radiance is definitely one of his best books, though.


I might just get that now. What’s the first book?


Am I the only one who can't stand the spren? Quite honestly the only thing Sanderson I read is the way of kings till the chasmfiend fight. I thought it was extremely imaginative but wasn't a fan of his prose at all.

I stopped reading because I had read multiple fantasy books and series back to back and really wanted some sci fi and realised I'd just started another very long fantasy series.

I'll revisit the book one day and finish it / likely restart. But the one thing I remember really really grinding my gears. Other than the cringy "witty red headed girl" (who to be fair quickly gets better but her whole start with the sailors is soo much cringe) the spren.

I fkn can't stand the spren. I think it's the dumbest thing ever. And I don't understand how Sanderson didn't see how flawed those things are. Because they would constantly give away your feelings.

Imagine how insanely embarrassing it would be if just randomly some spirits popped up that have away hoe you truly feel.

"Aww thanks .. for the gift, I love it" (disappointment spren start to climb your breeches and dance on your shoulders)

And that's just the most mild example I can think off. If everyone's deepest feelings and wants were constantly given away by little fkn spirit creatures, the world would literally fall apart. It's SOOO fkn dumb.


Hopefully the fifth book is way better than the forth book because I honestly didn't enjoy it.
