My ranking of the 5 books of ASOIAF!

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Ranking the 5 books in George R.R. Martins series. A song of ice and fire.

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1) Storm of Swords; 2) Feast for Crows (I love that Dorne plotline); 3) A Game of Thrones; 4) Dance with Dragons; 5) A Clash of Kings (IDK why I didn't like it, I just didn't).


Maybe controversial but:


I'm trying to re-read ASoIaF in hopes of WoW coming out next year. (Yes, I know) I'm having a hard time getting thru AGoT because I forgot how much I hate that stupid sh*t Joffrey! That is why, even with the Red Wedding, ASoS is my favorite. The Purple Wedding started off irritating, but once that f*cker dies, it's fantastic! 😁


My ranking is
1: A Storm of Swords
2: A Feast for Crows
3: A Game of Thrones
4: A Clash of Kings
5: A Dance with Dragons


Tyrion might never be as compelling as he was in A Storm of Swords. Guy was so good at being in rooms, talking


Feast for Crows definitely grows on you upon rereading the series. I’d say it’s the best & most interesting book to reread. Also it has a lot more “fantasy” elements as oppose to the other books, it’s also the most dark and grimy and twisted book, which I personally love. So Feast actually has a lot going for itself. I probably had them in the same order as you when I first read the series but after my second read through my order would be: 5. A Game of Thrones 4. Clash 3. Dance 2. Feast 1. Storm of Swords

Top 3 are interchangeable tbh, it’s almost impossible to pick an order for them 3


Feast is the best in the series, sue me.

The prose is so beautiful and to me this is where the themes get explored the most. George was feeling melancholic while writing this one.


The series, so far, is just so fucking incredible, that I don't there is really a bad book among it. Now, if only GRRM would just finish and publish Winds of Winter it would be fucking amazing! Been waiting for over a decade!


Literally every plotline in Dance ends on a cliffhanger. The entire book is just build up with no pay off. Still some great moments and reveals though, however.


Maybe do a video about your personal top 10 POV characters and why? I'd love to see that


My list 1.AFFC 2. ACOK 3.ASOS 4. AGOT 5. ADWD


Please read a book by Alice Munro. They are all short stories. She has won the Nobel Prize for lit


Dance is one of those books that you appreciate more on rereads


For me the order would be
5) A game of thrones
4) A feast for crows
3) A clash of kings
2) A dance with dragons
1) A storm of swords
So i read the series after seen the show, so for me game of thrones had nothing new, i liked it but the stroger parts of it wasnt mind blowing, and the story is in the begging so it has a slow pacing for me.
Feast has some of the best introductions to villans in the series, i love the greyjoys and cerseis povs, but i feel that is the harder book to read of the series, the pacing and the split in the caracters drag it down from the previous volumes, but a like it more than got cuz it has so much more intresting things compared to the show that makes it for me a better book than got.
Clash although it was pretty much like the show its just the easiest and fastest reading, Tyron chapters in this is just pure joy reading, and the ending as you said still to this point one of the best climax from the series, its a a very cohesive book with begginig, middle and end well defined for all the caracters arcs so.
Dance its the one that i personally love the most, when i thoght the series was going to start wrapping up it just got larger and with more plots and surprises, so many good concepts, so many build up for the upcoming book, in this point i think its great, altough the pacing and the end feels incomplete cuz of that i fell like dance is the build up for something so epic with so much plotlines that its for me prrtty crompehensive how much time to write winds, the job to make all this plots and caracters converge to the end of the series is crazy to think about, such and ambitious book that i cant help it to juz love it. And i think dance is the book where the politics really start to have more weight for jon and dany, i live how real it feels and how jon and dany most of all learn the dificults of being leaders, personaly i live the meeren plot, even with the slow pace.
And of course storms, i think its undeniable the best of all, although the series made a pretty god job adapting it, still have lots of things that they didnt, and has the most amount of twists and turns in the story, the pacing its fenomenal, the caracters development are great, from all the five books its the only one that i cant point any flaws, it just bag after bang and no doubt the best of the five.


whats your workout split? Looking buff af


1. A Storm of Swords
2. A Clash of Kings
3. A Game of Thrones
4. A Feast For Crows
5. A Dance With Dragons


My ranking is kinda controversial tho:

1. Storm
2. Dance
3. Feast
4. Clash
5. Game

, 🤣


Currently on Book 3 but terrified to move on to Book 4 because of the negative reviews
